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Tactical voting
- new voter (20th Mar 2024 - 16:29:49)

It may be a bit early to ask but there will be an election this year so is there any advice as to tactical voting. I know this area is staunchly conservative. Which party has the best chance against the Conservatives?

Re: Tactical voting
- Old voter (20th Mar 2024 - 17:26:26)

Just look at history and you will see where the best times where and at the moment things are getting much better so don’t just listen to all the rubbish that will be coming from the opposition parties they will not be able to wave a magic wand it’s up to the people to get working again not want high wages for less hours.

Re: Tactical voting
- Mark (20th Mar 2024 - 19:36:15)

The Lib Dems came in second place in this seat in 2019, so are likely to be best placed to challenge the Tories next time.

The Tories have had a good go, many publicly known major mistakes along the way, times up and time to demonstrate democracy won’t keep you in a job if your a poor performer, if they win again it’s game over for the country.

The people must provide a lesson in order to tighten up the standards of our politicians

Re: Tactical voting
- AR (21st Mar 2024 - 07:10:09)

You may not want to vote for the Conservatives, but think locally.
We have some very good Tory councillors and they work tirelessly for this area and it would be a shame to lose these decent people.

Re: Tactical voting
- mammal (21st Mar 2024 - 09:07:17)

By tactical, I hope you mean whatever prevents the two cheeks of the same backside from resuming their sedentary position in the cosy echo chamber that laughingly calls itself parliament.

Remember when there were two distinctively opposing parties with memorable personalities on both side offering a choice of different policies?

Re: Tactical voting
- Hopefully (21st Mar 2024 - 10:23:49)

Bring back Boris he will sort them out true Brit .

Re: Tactical voting
- Jen (21st Mar 2024 - 12:33:36)

Sadly, it has always been the case that my vote has made no difference to the outcome. Unfortunately, we are in an area where there are a great many affluent people who benefit (or at least believe that they do) from Conservative governments' policies.

I honestly don't know what it would take to persuade people to vote against the party that they've always voted for. I find it absolutely astonishing that anyone would be even considering voting the current shambles back into power - but stranger things have happened and do happen! Few things surprise me any more!

Who knows, maybe this time next year Donald Trump will be confirmed as the Messiah; Putin will convert to Buddhism and become the next Dalai Lama; King Charles will finally own up and admit that the entire royal family really are alien lizards and a manned mission to the moon will report a confirmed sighting of Elvis - and we will know these things are true because someone posted them on Facebook!

Re: Tactical voting
- Me (21st Mar 2024 - 15:59:02)

Trouble is Jen the other choices are far worse. I see the railway union going to strike again over Easter that’s what will happen if Labour get in to power the unions will run riot and labour are so weak they won’t be able to stop them.this is about the worst Labour Party I can remember not one of them fit to govern and that will probably let that idiot Corbyn back in then you will see what hard times are . As for the rest of the parties I shudder to think. A massive change needs to take place like when the Iron Lady came in someone to push through un popular laws people need to start standing on their own feet not living on benefits. This country could be great again if we all started pulling together.

Re: Tactical voting
- John (21st Mar 2024 - 17:54:07)

Last time this country was doing well, people happy and money in pockets was a labour government, despite what you might think Brown and Blair for a period was the last good times we actually had.

Sure they messed up Iraq but that no different to the massive list the selfservatives mess up.

The Iron Lady you say? Worst PM ever, talked big over a pointless island and everyone goes all soft like she was some sort of hero.

We don’t need any hero’s, we need a government whom actually cares about the people and not filling their own pockets selling everything off including the NHS. The tories need a very hard lesson otherwise it’s just more downhill with them laughing at us believing we are soft and will take another 4 years of it

Re: Tactical voting
- Rm (21st Mar 2024 - 18:37:56)

Yes take a look at labour run councils bankrupt look at wales apart from a stupid 20mph speed limit in a mess labour run . Fancy driving all over England at 20mph vote labour.

Re: Tactical voting
- Rm (21st Mar 2024 - 19:14:28)

Yes John Blair and Poor old Brown shafted by Blair and went on to become a multimillionaire. Left the country bankrupt.

Re: Tactical voting
- Mick (22nd Mar 2024 - 08:08:43)

It’s going to be a whitewash, might only be 3 or 4 conservative MPs left :)

I also think it’s impossible to find any former MP that hasn’t enriched themselves, Boris the clown is roping it in, Rishi is already a billionaire and is only in the job to line his pockets even more.

Re: Tactical voting
- Scott (22nd Mar 2024 - 09:07:16)

There won't be any real need for 'Tactical voting'. Millions that were lured to leave the EU and swing from Red to Blue will simply return to Red in vast numbers and many people will just not be able to bring themselves to vote for the blue shower this time around.

Sadly Red is the only party that will be able to generate enough numbers to defeat the current government who are at the moment hoping and praying that everyday will bring some good news to promote their ailing cause.

The net result whenever the election is is that Tories are going to take an absolute spanking and everybody knows it.

Re: Tactical voting
- Not Tactical (22nd Mar 2024 - 10:28:23)

We are in for a very rough time if the Labour lot get in they don’t have any one in the party that are capable of running a jumble sale let alone the country. It will be as before spend all the money make all the people happy that don’t want to work then someone else has to pick up the pieces. The unions will want more and more money more and more strikes rubbish not collected streets awash with rubbish and that’s only the beginning.

Re: Tactical voting
- Simon (22nd Mar 2024 - 11:18:14)

Suspect the Tories will stretch it out as long as they can as it could be the last time they're in power for 10 / 15 years after this utter shambles. Last chance to get their hands grubby and make some dosh. Themselves first, then party, then country. I doubt Labour will be much different once they're in charge.

Re: Tactical voting
- Pete (22nd Mar 2024 - 13:15:14)

You can tell we live in an affluent area with some of the responses above. Nowt as blind as those that cant (won't) see.

Re: Tactical voting
- Peter (22nd Mar 2024 - 17:53:21)

I think the local seat is one of the safer ones, let’s see how much work and influence they will have for us when they are stood at the corners of Westminster with a handful of other remaining tories. Effectively if you vote for them here we get zero in return locally.

If it wasn’t for unions we would all be dead at 20 having worked 6 days weeks for 16hrs a day for pittance. You have got to be either stupid or a wack job to support big business, if the world was left to businessmen we would be dead long long ago. Half your good life came from a unions support.

Aspirational tories really are the root of many problems with this country, hence why it’s sinking rapidly.
Time to get the clowns out, don’t care which party takes over as my cat could run the country better than the tories.

Re: Tactical voting
- passfield resident (22nd Mar 2024 - 18:30:29)

Peter-great to see someone posting on this forum who understands what unions have done for working people-a lot of people don't seem to understand our history.

Re: Tactical voting
- Resident (23rd Mar 2024 - 10:13:51)

Just a thought reading this thread if we didn’t have business large or small where would everyone work. You have to have people willing to lay their heads on the line and run a business otherwise we would all be out of work. Everyone can’t work for government be a public worker no profit for the country no productivity to pay taxes. As for unions yes they were very good in the past but time and laws to protect workers have taken their place now they are trying to run the country which is just political they need to stop interfering with politics and go back to their original purpose and stop asking for ridiculous wages. And as for working hours most people that run businesses work very long hours self employed also 6- 7 days a week 16 - 18 hours a day just so. we have a job .

Re: Tactical voting
- Paul (23rd Mar 2024 - 12:50:42)

What happened to us British? There isn’t a drop of revolution amongst us, instead we salute our dear leaders and bend over and take it. The conservatives know to well that we are a sad, easy to influence bunch and as they know they fill their own pockets.
Utterly embarrassing that we think the party whom are clearly a bunch of clowns deserve yet another go at it.
Our French neighbours don’t put up with this feeble sort of stuff, macrons party didn’t even exist a few years before he came to power, that wouldn’t happen here, must be blue or red for us and this very thing is why we are weak, the parties know it and we are easy to manage and lie too.

ITS TIME TO GROW A PAIR AND HAND OUT SOME PUNISHMENT, time to let all politicians in this country we won’t be standing for sub par leadership anymore.

Democracy in action

Re: Tactical voting
- Local (23rd Mar 2024 - 12:59:18)

There is a difference between little businesses run by hard working people employing none or just a few employees most of whom they know personally. This could be seen as a kind of self employment and very few small business employees are part of unions.

It's when business gets big or huge that it all took often it becomes a gravy train for the super rich where unions are needed, without which these business owners, the city spivs and their mates in politics would ride roughshod over the insecure workforce like barons of old.

This is what unions are there for, to protect us from going backwards, even if you are not a member of a union, if you are a worker and not a baron then you benefit from the safeguards they did and continue to fight for you.

If you would rather trust the politicians to do this...good luck to you!

As for Labour today it's a shadow of what it once was fighting for the working man and woman, but at least it still has some tenuous connection to its roots.

The problem as I see it, the two big parties still live off their past and are bogged down with outdated ideology, greed or uselessness that no longer benefits the working man or woman of this country as much as themselves!

Of course need that scary proportional representation to get a bit of real competition into our nation's leadership, because competition brings improvement, now who said that, I wonder, it sounds like a Tory thing, but we know neither Tory nor Labour will ever willingly allow real competition in politics, ask yourselves why!

Re: Tactical voting
- Another local (23rd Mar 2024 - 14:00:12)

So train drivers on anything up to £100 thousand a year and still on strike for more that’s good is it unions doing their job . Local council workers on huge wages top executives on more than the PM . No unions need to step back and see that they are ruining the country what happened to sensible negotiations.

Re: Tactical voting
- AF (23rd Mar 2024 - 19:56:35)

To get back to the original subject of the post, in this area tactical voting is pointless don't waste your time.
If you are referring to the General election, the conservative party will win in this area but with a greatly reduced majority. My advice is just vote for the party you want in power.
I believe from your post you are probably a Labour supporter so don't worry they will win the next election the only question is the size of the majority and the way its looking the Conservative could be in double figures only.
As to the conservative supporters out there don't worry the Labour party will as always make a complete hash of everything and the conservatives will be back to sort it all out, probably after 2 terms of labour.

Re: Tactical voting
- Another local (23rd Mar 2024 - 21:43:58)

About right there AF let’s hope when the conservatives come back it’s with someone like Mrs Thatcher her time was the best this country has seen but unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be anyone with her backbone.

Re: Tactical voting
- gareth j rees (24th Mar 2024 - 09:05:21)

if you Google about Farnham and Bordon is looking like a three way split

Conservative/Lib Dem/Labour

The googly is there is so much new housing that haven't voted before

And you would of thought that these mortgage holders will remember Liz Truss

Lib Dems putting up a poor candidate for the area

Labour have a strong candidate in Alex Just. Lives in Farnham, Barrister, Married to a local girl with 3 kids Oxford educated, Centrist.

Staggering to think that Labour have a chance

Just goes to show the state of the country

Re: Tactical voting
- Scott (24th Mar 2024 - 09:18:41)

I don't think AF is 'About right' at all as the last decade of poor governing in so many areas is only attributable to the Conservatives. Open minded reasonable people are disillusioned with them and they have proven that they are capable of lying, deceit and mischieviousness to further enrich themselves first.

Its obviously an unkown yet as to how Labour may perform if they were to win a term in government but historically , yes, they have made some self destructive decisions and it is a shame that they are the only credible competition currently.

I'm not sure what the answer is but to keep passing the baton between these two same old same olds doesn't seem very progressive, creative or revolutionary. I personally would enjoy seeing a solid, credible, viable set of policies from another avenue.....

Anyway , Ad nauseam, Ad infinitum round and round and round we go where it stops nobody knows.😊

Re: Tactical voting
- Another local (24th Mar 2024 - 11:19:00)

Yes Scott it seems that when we get a good government and things get better for some reason the MP in power turn on the PM thus undoing the good work ie major against thatcher. Blair did ok until he was found out to be a complete lair and the country was on its knees. Good times come with hard work building up thriving businesses full employment less people on benefits in other words knuckling down and working. Yes I might sound old fashioned but it works in my time it was the norm to have two or three jobs to make ends meet and if you look at the successful people they did the same. And what makes it sad is people decry successful business people that make this country great and provide all of us with jobs .

Re: Tactical voting
- Jane (24th Mar 2024 - 12:45:16)

Your all in dreamland regarding Thatcher because someone coined the phrase Iron Lady and made a film.

1. Refused to admit errors despite making many.
2. Alienated and bullied her own team to the extend she lost power in a whimper with no support. If she was in power today she would barely surpass Liz Trusses tenure the conservatives would have her stabbed in the back.
3. Poll Tax utter disaster
4. Didn’t save the economy at all she left the UK economy weaker and more unequal.
5. Wiped out wipe out 15 percent of the UK’s industrial base in just a few years. Previously stable jobs in mining, manufacturing, steel, and more disappeared.
6. Famously, the “Iron Lady” presided over a huge wave of privatization. Government-run companies in everything from steel, oil, water, gas, and telecoms were sold, while Thatcher also unleashed the earliest waves of outsourcing on the NHS
7. dried up the government’s supply of social housing, developers took over and now no one can afford a home.

The only reason the economy didn’t actually collapse was the oil found under the North Sea, if it wasn’t for that cash we would have been finished.

But yeah, she spent lives and money in a war over a pointless island and based on that alone the stupid think she is some sort of hero

Re: Tactical voting
- Living in the Thatched times (24th Mar 2024 - 15:20:11)

Total rubbish Jane she supported people that had the guts to get on start business buy their houses and work hard. She encouraged young people to get up off their backsides and work not like the snow flakes of today. She made mistakes that happens when you have to sort out a huge mess and that’s what she did that’s why she was in for so long it worked. Pity she’s not about today in full force.

Re: Tactical voting
- Pat (24th Mar 2024 - 15:34:27)

Well done Jane, absolute facts their on thatcher, so factual it’s all over the internet from many a valid resource. Those whom objected aren’t interested in facts. They live in a make believe world whereby they support a political party based on team colours not actual facts.

The Green Party will have more MP in the next election, the tories will be lucky if they have 10 MPs left

Re: Tactical voting
- Old labour voter (24th Mar 2024 - 16:59:52)

Voted for Blair what a mistake that was so won’t be voting for this labour lot ten times worse not a decent MP among them at least the conservatives have some very good up and coming young MPs to bring fresh blood in . The unions will have a field day no one will be working. As for the rest could not run a pi** Up in a brewery.

Re: Tactical voting
- Brian (24th Mar 2024 - 17:52:47)


Time to wave these clowns goodbye any other party could run this country better than these clowns. Don’t be left with an MP whom is in a party with absolutely no power to help us locally.

Lib Dem’s will be the 2nd party next election with the tories 3rd or 4th depending on how many torie voters jump into the racist right wing parties. Lib Dem’s got 25% of the vote last time so with the predicted whitewash and swing from tories the Lib Dem’s could well win easily.

Re: Tactical voting
- Samuel (24th Mar 2024 - 18:03:21)

Interestingly I dropped this whole chat into an AI tool and asked it which of the posts are the same person and it had one standout prediction that the following names are likely to actually be the same person

Old labour voter,
Living in the Thatched times,
Not Tactical,
and one of the two locals

Personally on the actual subject I dislike all parties available to us but I agree one of them needs a bit of a spanking handed to it, it would be hugely beneficial to see some citizen justice handed out as it will improve standards

Re: Tactical voting
- Mary (25th Mar 2024 - 07:13:44)

Lots of you are saying "Blair" lied, which he did, but hang on didn't Boris and the rest of the government have parties while we were in lockdown?

Re: Tactical voting
- Alan Onimous (25th Mar 2024 - 12:56:40)

@Samuel: from GPT4:

"Without textual analysis tools or more distinctive markers, it's difficult to definitively determine if these posts are from the same individual. The claim made by "Samuel" towards the end about using an AI tool might be insightful but requires the kind of analysis that goes beyond simple observation.

In real-world applications, detecting multiple accounts used by a single person (sockpuppet detection) involves complex linguistic analysis and metadata evaluation, which can include IP addresses and device fingerprints—information not available here."

Nice try and I admire your work! Hope you trained the model before asking it for the prediction ....

Re: Tactical voting
- new voter (28th Mar 2024 - 16:23:11)

Wow! Some interesting debate here but my question wasn't really answered. So what candidate beside the Conservative one stands a chance of being elected?

Can we who want a change in representation agree on a suitable alternative to rally behind?

Re: Tactical voting
- Old voter (28th Mar 2024 - 16:47:31)

New voter you will have a job because there isn’t any looking at the current crop all parties are about the same useless.

Re: Tactical voting
- Scott (28th Mar 2024 - 18:13:04)

new voter, you aren't going to find lots of people to agree with your want for change of representation or the answers you are looking for on a chat forum.

Best advice would be to do your research on the available candidates in the area and the parties they represent and then on voting day make your mark against the 'team' you feel best alligns with your political beliefs and ethical/moral compass....See how it pans out.
Alternatively lets hear your views..Any plans for a throw of the dice yourself with a new party....I'd be all ears👍

Re: Tactical voting
- Facts (28th Mar 2024 - 18:42:01)

The Liberal Democrats will be the party most likely to challenge the Conservatives in our seat. Labour will be a long way behind in this part of the country.

The Lib Dems are currently projected to win Jeremy Hunt’s seat in the Haslemere and Godalming constituency,

Re: Tactical voting
- AF (29th Mar 2024 - 08:32:28)

Facts - Interesting name considering your facts are WRONG. The boundary's have changed and Haslemere is now part of the Farnham and Bordon constituency..

Re: Tactical voting
- M (29th Mar 2024 - 08:55:27)

As others have said "New Voter" you should research for yourself and make an informed decision on who you think represents your views, thoughts and wishes for your future.
What ever you do make sure you do vote, because if you don't vote you've no reason to complain or protest about what's going on politically in the country.
I found this site which has some interesting predictions (only predictions and imagine there's other sites and opinions) on how an election could pan out:

Re: Tactical voting
- Oldie (29th Mar 2024 - 10:17:25)

In a general election surely you vote for the party that is good for the country and has done the best and has the best track record.

Re: Tactical voting
- new voter (14th Apr 2024 - 16:08:10)

Oldie, I haven't been around long enough to know of any party that has done good for the country especially the current one.
After more research it seems the Liberal Dems have the best chance of any to unseat the conservatives in our new constituency. So I encourage everyone to help me send a message to Parliament that real change is needed. Thank you all for the healthy debate.

Re: Tactical voting
- Really? (15th Apr 2024 - 09:37:57)

Vote for the Lib Dems?

Ed Davey was business minster from 2010 to 2012 - a role which included oversight of the Post Office during the Horizon scandal.

Aside from which, the Lib Dems own manifesto says it draws on both the liberal and social democratic traditions - widely interpreted as meaning they just sit in the middle and 'do the opposite of what the others do'. That's not real change.

Re: Tactical voting
- Oldie (15th Apr 2024 - 10:47:54)

New voter you say you have done research you are young being new voter so you must be completely up with modern tec so it’s very easy to see what government has done best for the country shall we say from the Second World War. It’s no good voting for a minority party that will probably lead to a coalition which is a complete disaster as has happened in the past. So you should go on history as what’s best for the country at the moment we seem to have weathered the EU backlash the EU have come to their senses and accept we are not going to go back in . Things are getting much better on the trading front around the world and that’s a major factor so you takes your pick of the two major parties so look at their history.

Re: Tactical voting
- Question 9 (15th Apr 2024 - 17:53:40)

The issue with our current constituency, is that it has been traditionally a safe conservative seat. Thus, taken for granted.

Would argue that the new constituency, further to the boundary changes, is a little less safe but still 'strongly blue' unless the Conservatives take a real tanking.

Think Lib Dems are the alternative in our new constituency.

Best case it is a coalition, which keeps us in the middle ground. Worse case, Lib Dems are not in a coalition and we have an MP who has a point to proof to their constituents.

A marginal seat has money thrown at it, as they hold the balance of power. Do not think we will ever be that in 'normal' circumstances.

Re: Tactical voting
- Peter Growcott (23rd May 2024 - 08:42:10)

Well it's on at last! On July 4th, the Great British Public will finally cast their judgement on 14 years of Tory rule.

It's now a racing certainty that on July 5th, the nation will wake up with a new centrist Labour government with a sizable working. The polls are not wrong & the Conservative Party is going to suffer its worst defeat in living memory.

Given a Labour win is now inevitable, the question local voters should really be asking themselves is do we want to continue with Ranil Jayawardena as our MP...and in my opinion, the answer is most emphatically NO!!

First, in 2016 Hartley Whitney voted NOT to leave the EU & the referendum vote across all of NE Hampshire was marginal. Yet Ranil gave his unqualified support to the hardest of hard Brexits. When did this man EVER represent our views??

Secondly, throughout the disgraceful Partygate revelations, a time when the nation recoiled en masse in revulsion, old Ranil gave his unwavering & sycophantic support to Boris Johnson.

And as his final act, when Johnson fell, Ranil threw in his lot with the toxic Liz Truss & happily served in her 49 day cabinet that did so much lasting damage to our beloved country! Even today, his loyalties lie with Truss's Pop Con (aka Trumpian) vision of the future of British Conservatism. I don't want that, do you?

So my advice is come July 4th, cast your vote for ANYONE OTHER than Ranil Jayawardena! If you're a progressive voter (LD, Labour, Green) please use your vote tactically because splitting the progressive vote with likely allow Ranil to squeak back in. I personally support Starmer's centrist Labour party but will vote Lib Dem purely to get rid of Ranil. If you're a life long Conservative, ask yourself whether this man & his party truly represent Conservative values? If you think no, then maybe vote for someone else (Reform even?) to get rid of him so that a better candidate can be put in place for 2029.

The future of our country in in your hands. Use your vote wisely.

Re: Tactical voting
- Confused (23rd May 2024 - 11:18:04)

I thought Damian Hinds was Liphook's MP ??

Re: Tactical voting
- er (23rd May 2024 - 11:33:33)

Peter, your comment perfectly sums up why proportional representation or an even fairer system is needed, it's a scandal that our two parties (the LabCon), in order order to ensure their everlasting stranglehold, have refused to even consider it, so we end up with the nonsensical voting advice you just gave.

I'm not saying your wrong, you are indeed correct sir, it is a fact, if I want a new raincoat coat I must buy a new pair of boots instead, so that I don't end up with a straw hat, but it clearly involves me choosing something I never wanted and going without the thing I did, in order to avoid you getting a new sofa, just the way our two parties like it, a national joke, but they must prevail, the system works for them of course!

Re: Tactical voting
- Joe (23rd May 2024 - 11:54:54)

Can the above poster explain what he/she means by “ conservative values” ? The Conservative Party has a membership with a very wide age range values etc?

Re: Tactical voting
- M (23rd May 2024 - 12:10:31)

Sorry Peter but not sure what you're on about.
Gregory Stafford is the Conservative and Unionist Party candidate in Farnham and Bordon constituency in the UK Parliament elections according to all the information I can find.

Re: Tactical voting
- Joe (23rd May 2024 - 15:35:49)

The M P for the area is currently Damien Hinds. It will change when the boundaries change.

Re: Tactical voting
- Peter Growcott (23rd May 2024 - 16:07:38)

Oops! My bad. I would have sworn that NE Hampshire extended into Liphook but I stand corrected that it's actually East Hampshire. Luckily for you, you have Damien Hinds as your MP, one of the few remaining sensible, pro-EU Tories who hasn't sold his soul to the increasingly dominant crypto-Fascist wing of the party.

To the person who questioned what I meant by Conservative Party values & suggested that the Party is a broad church, I'd say the following. Historically I have voted Conservative. I definitely voted for Thatcher, John Major & Dave. I think I even voted for Ted Heath but that was fifty years ago, the first time I was eligible to vote & the old memory is a bit hazy these days. What I can say is that today's Conservative Party is absolutely NOT the Conservative Party I knew and is absolutely NOT a broad church! Broad church parties do not summarily boot out 21 MPs of long standing (as Johnson did) for disagreeing with a highly contentious policy that in the cold hard light of day has proved ruinous for the country! The Party has effectively been taken over by UKIP Entryists who identify with a hard-Right, small state, highly authoritarian, anti-Liberal, red in tooth & claw Capitalist ideology. They don't necessarily believe in stopping immigration (indeed their economic model needs it) but they exploit it to the max as a means to get elected. Just like the GOP in the US, today's Conservative Party is a collection of callous & exploitative conmen, pathological liars, the downright lazy, the obscenely ruch, the pervs & the corrupt. It is for these reasons, the country is so against them today & why the Party is going to get absolutely pummelled in six weeks time.

Re: Tactical voting
- Peter Growcott (23rd May 2024 - 16:25:13)

Oh & regarding scrapping First Past The Post & replacing it with Proportional Representation, I say bring it on! It should be prominent in Labour's first King's Speech. In fact I hope the new Labour Party, even with a huge working majority, can find a way to bring in MPs from the Lib Dems, the SDP, the Green party & this small but sensible NI parties into government to create a super-majority in the HoC. There are so many issues on which the progressive parties agree that it seems daft not to IMO. Such a thing could back truly momentous changes & with electoral justification, claim to have the backing of the great bulk of the electorate. The Brexiteers claimed they were executing The Will Of The People on a the basis of borderline 51:49 vote on a woefully ill-defined issue. Well what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander so let's see how they like it when the boot is on the other foot!

Re: Tactical voting
- Confused (23rd May 2024 - 17:23:37)

Peter Growcott

Damian Hinds ( Yes, with an 'A' ) abstained from voting on an issue regarding coastal pollution with raw sewage which included Hampshire, part of which he is supposed to represent, albeit not actually on the coast.

He has a poor record for things any MP should address or at least have an opinion, not abstain.

No doubt, the good folk of Farnham will not be too pleased with an association with Whitehill Bordon, which is not such a terrible place.

Re: Tactical voting
- Peter Growcott (23rd May 2024 - 22:26:15)

Apologies. I associate all Damians (with an A) with the demonic Damien (with an E) from the horror film, The Omen!

Talking about horror shows, did you watch Sunak bravely taking questions from 'ordinary voters', many of whom were clearly 'working class' because they were wearing Hi-Vis waistcoats? It's on YouTube. It's very, very good...except for the fact that they were all fully paid up Conservative councillors, there to ask friendly, pre-approved questions & self-evidently pretending to be something they clearly are not!!

This epitomises everything rotten about Sunak & this government. They peddle lies as easily as you & I breathe air. Furthermore they are breathtakingly STUPID because the lie was exposed in a matter of hours.

They need to be gone & gone for a very long time, preferably forever.

Re: Tactical voting
- Iain Miller (17th Jun 2024 - 13:49:05)

Visit and find out who, in your area, has the beat chance of replacing the tories.

Found elsewhere "Forward Democracy appears to be a limited company with one listed officer, Thomas Leo De Grunwald. I would not be inclined to take advice from an unknown website or company on who to vote for. Nor would I send them my money."

Re: Tactical voting
- HH (17th Jun 2024 - 14:11:08)

Try here. Taking a while to load due to large numbers using the site.

Re: Tactical voting
- J (17th Jun 2024 - 15:50:50)

All the main tactical voting sites are recommending voting LibDem for Farnham and Bordon. The polls I've seen would suggest likewise, which I guess makes sense for an historically Tory area.

It's a shame that it's highly likely that the anti-Tory vote will end up being split between Alex Just for Labour and Khalil Yousuf for the LibDems as it'll basically let the Conservatives in by default I expect.

Alex is definitely local, living in Farnham. Khalil apparently has an office in Farnham (his company details are all London based though) and might be moving home to Bordon.

Does Gregory Stafford even live in the constituency? As far as I can tell he had a property in Ealing and was/is an Ealing councillor. It's possibly a bit of a stretch for the signs up prominently stating "LOCAL" if so. His website just says "family ties tracing back over a century in Haslemere".

Re: Tactical voting
- E (17th Jun 2024 - 17:00:14)

Has anyone noticed the lack of Conservative posters around?

I will be voting Lib Dem, they're the 2nd party likely to win, I don't believe Labour will win in this area, and Reform definitely won't win. Bunch of delusional people (Bit like Trump supporters 😂)

Re: Tactical voting
- JC (17th Jun 2024 - 20:39:44)

There is an opportunity to hear at least four of the candidates speak and answer questions at a hustings tomorrow night (Tues 18th) at The Phoenix Theatre in Bordon 7.00 - 9.00pm

Re: Tactical voting
- Undecided (18th Jun 2024 - 10:50:27)

The LibDem candidate originally stood for election in Crawley (where he lives) in 2019 and wasn't successful. He now has a "new affiliation" with the area and "will move here" if elected.

Personally, I don't wish to see any 'wannabe MP' elected on that basis. I'm also disappointed that he felt it necessary to mention religion in his campaign, as - personally - I feel strongly that there should be no religion in politics.

In terms of tactical voting, the majority (not all) of the websites being suggested on social media to help people decide are not always transparent about their ownership. From my own research, I discovered a number of them were owned by parent companies that lobby internationally, and have strong links to investors or companies based on renewable energy. Make of that what you will.

Having crunched the data for our constituency, the viable options are Cons or LibDem. Voting for any other party will likely return the 'wannabe' Lib Dem candidate. As much as it galls me, I will likely vote Cons for 2 reasons: (1) The candidate has a track record of being active in the area, and (2) I personally cannot accept a travelling, 'wannabe' LibDem candidate intent on being elected anywhere that will have him.

No-one has to agree with my rationale!

Re: Tactical voting
- JD (18th Jun 2024 - 11:08:40)

I shall be voting tactically for the LibDem candidate, as that is the best chance we have of finally breaking the dominance of the Conservative party in our area.

I would urge everyone who is hoping for a change of government to do the same thing and vote LibDem.

Sadly, much as I quite like the Labour candidate, I'm convinced that a vote for Labour in this constituency will result in the return of a Conservative MP.

Re: Tactical voting
- Undecided (18th Jun 2024 - 18:59:33)

@JD - have the Conservatives (locally - you said this, so not nationally) been bad for this area?

I'm interested in your rationale, to help me decide.

Re: Tactical voting
- Jayne (18th Jun 2024 - 19:09:01)

JD, I couldn’t agree with you more.

Loathed though I am not to vote Labour, I will use my vote tactically in the hope we can bring some much-needed change to the political landscape here.

Re: Tactical voting
- Sam (18th Jun 2024 - 19:29:06)

Irrelevant Items
- Local Tory MP is a nice person
- Local Tory MP has or has not done things around here
- Where any MP Lives

Relevant Items
- Past 14 years

Its time the electorate exercised democracy and lays down a marker to ALL parties that we wont put up with it. To do this we must wipe the conservatives completely off the map, finish them, zero. That will mean no party behaves like it again. We want results, if you cant provide them then goodbye

Re: Tactical voting
- D (18th Jun 2024 - 21:34:21)

I think it worth noting that the Liberals had a hand in the state of the nation today, they were in coalition with the Tories for five years. Wasn't their leader involved with the innocent postmasters?

And people want to vote for him?

Re: Tactical voting
- gareth j rees (18th Jun 2024 - 23:26:50)

Our Farnham and Bordon constituency is wide open.

It's a 4 way split.

Conservative/Labour/Lib Dem/Reform are all around 20%.

Bordon the big googly in the voting. So much new housing and people who have never voted before.

Alex Just the Labour candidate is the best candidate. Lives in Farnham, barrister, former chair of the Oxford Union debating society. Outstanding guy.

If you want the Tories out I really think Labour could do it here.

Re: Tactical voting
- D (19th Jun 2024 - 08:03:33)

No bias on your part of course Gareth Jrees. You stood as a Labour candidate yourself recently I remember, at about the time you posted on this website a really derogatory tirade and had it removed the following morning. Vote Labour? It's because of you lot we are all having to work longer before we get our pensions.

Re: Tactical voting
- Yndecidwd (19th Jun 2024 - 08:23:19)

@Gareth - MRP polls do NOT support your equal split theory. Can you share a link to your source data please so that I may review it?

Re: Tactical voting
- Joe (19th Jun 2024 - 10:32:59)

This is about a national general election - nothing local about it. Don’t forget any vote in Parliament these days is dictated by the party whip. If our MP goes against the party whip funding for this area would be withdrawn.

Whether or not you like the local candidate is usually due to the huge donations given to the Conservative Party by the Tindall group who publish the Herald newspaper group. They ensure that the local conservative councillors get all the publicity they need. Of course you think they are “ nice” people. It is all clever publicity.

Re: Tactical voting
- J (19th Jun 2024 - 11:02:26)

The polls definitely would tend to suggest LibDem is the anti-tory vote (although I agree Alex would be a great MP).

Re: Tactical voting
- Undecided (19th Jun 2024 - 13:48:18)

As he has been mentioned, I have crunched data and assessed Alex Just's priorities to better understand his candidacy. He has strong ties to Farnham and mentions Farnham and Bordon extensively in his marketing. However, I found limited mention of Liphook:

Farnham - mentioned 80 times on the website (46.51%)
Bordon - mentioned 73 times (42.44%)
Haslemere - mentioned 12 times (4.07%)
Liphook - mentioned 7 times (6.98%)

It would appear Mr Just proposes to give the voters of Liphook less than 7% of his time if elected as our MP.

He publishes his 'track record' which is essentially as having run or championed many campaigns. I found limited evidence (on his own website) of what I am actually looking for - impact.

Like that sugary lord, my search continues ....

Re: Tactical voting
- JD (19th Jun 2024 - 15:14:47)


My mention of getting rid of the Conservative party from our local area was intended only to be viewed in the context of the general election. In order to oust the Conservatives from government we need to remove as many as possible of their MPs from office.

Our new constituency of Farnham and Bordon has a very good chance of removing a Conservative MP, providing the anti-tory vote is not weakened by a sizeable minority voting for Labour.

If everyone in our constituency who wishes to oust the Conservatives from government votes LibDem, we can do it.

Anyone in our constituency who wants a Labour government should vote LibDem and not Labour.

Re: Tactical voting
- Undecided (19th Jun 2024 - 15:54:12)


So let’s do the same deep-dive on the LibDem’s campaign data and manifesto:

Farnham – mentioned 24 times
Bordon – mentioned 18 times
Haslemere – mentioned 3 times
Liphook – not mentioned

Therefore, Mr Yousof proposes spending no time, nada, on anyone in Liphook who might vote for him.

His photo on his official campaign website was taken in 2019 outside Crawley Hospital, where he first stood for parliament but wasn’t elected.

As a ‘wannabe MP’ (anywhere – Crawley, or Farnham and Bordon whichever is easier) he offers the obligatory undeliverable and unmeasurable promises:

Khalil said: "Hard working people can’t afford to buy or rent a home and education funding in schools and colleges has been cut so much, that many teachers are finding it almost impossible to do their jobs.”
"More than 8 out of 10 burglaries in our constituency are unsolved."
"And the climate crisis worsens by the day with no meaningful efforts to address it."

His website is devoid of answers as to how he will achieve these.

I am searching for evidence like Stockton Rush going through Target for submersible parts!

Re: Tactical voting
- JD (20th Jun 2024 - 00:37:28)


None of that is relevant in the context of this particular election. In this instance, we are not voting for the best person who will make the best MP for representing our interests, we are voting for the person who is most likely to have the best chance of getting more votes than the Conservative candidate. That's the essence of tactical voting. We sometimes have to put our own preferences aside for the greater good.

Re: Tactical voting
- Joyce (20th Jun 2024 - 06:11:29)

I do find it ironic/sad when people refer to the extreme about having unions demanding for higher wages when in reality people with 1 or 2 jobs are relying on foodbanks which is on the rise still and are finding this acceptable. Voting for the Tories as it might get worse voting for another party? How much worse can it really get?

Re: Tactical voting
- Paul2 (20th Jun 2024 - 10:25:30)

@JD: " we are not voting for the best person who will make the best MP for representing our interests ... "

That's EXACTLY what you are voting for.

Re: Tactical voting
- JD (20th Jun 2024 - 12:32:57)

"Paul2 (20th Jun 2024 - 10:25:30)

@JD: " we are not voting for the best person who will make the best MP for representing our interests ... "
That's EXACTLY what you are voting for".

@Paul2 - it may indeed be what YOU are voting for, Paul but, as I explained in my earlier post (and as evidenced by the subject title of this thread), it's not the main focus of this election for a great many of us.

It's a feature of the "first-past-the-post" electoral system that minorities are under-represented. If you vote for a candidate who stands no chance of winning the seat they're standing for, all that you're doing is removing an opposition vote and increasing the chance that the "favourite" will win.

Re: Tactical voting
- Sam (20th Jun 2024 - 14:06:42)

Undecided isn’t undecided, my money is Undecided had decided Tory and is playing a game of vague tip toe nudging the rest of us away from the Tactical vote, Which in our case = VOTE LIB DEM. I mean the amount of times Mr Yousof used the word "Liphook" is honestly pathetic research.

Tories have had 14 years at it, been shocking, currently claiming they are fixing the economy when they are only just slowly repairing the damage (after receiving instructions on how to roll back the mistake from the rest of the world) caused by Liz Truss.

Am clear about my intentions and purpose, you need to look under the mask to see whom is really behind most of the other comments.

Re: Tactical voting
- passfield resident (20th Jun 2024 - 15:19:22)

We're past the stage where tactical voting is important. The Telegraph today is reporting a likely Tory wipeout. (No, I don't buy the Telegraph-I saw the report on TV).

Re: Tactical voting
- Sam (20th Jun 2024 - 15:56:23)

Tactical voting if that is your choice is critically important you actually vote.

Tories now spending all their time on Telly now essentially making up nonsense like a super majority (utter nonsense, when a govt has a decent majority then a super majority means nothing... a majority is a majority, only a small majority is the only thing different, being heathy or massive makes no difference at all.

Essentially the Tories are worried about their pay cheques, nothing else. If your charged with an important job and you perform that role horribly for 14 long years then its time to go... all of them.

If this is done effectively, and the Tory party is eliminated then a lesson from the electorate has been handed out that we wont accept it going forward and all parties need to up their game or we will dispose of them.


Re: Tactical voting
- Jim (20th Jun 2024 - 16:32:14)

Sky News are predicting a close Conservative win in our Farnham and Bordon constituency so a bit more tactical voting is needed

Re: Tactical voting
- Undecided (20th Jun 2024 - 17:06:53)

Hi Sam - no, sorry, you are wrong. I'm not supporting the Conservatives but 'nice try'.

Re: Tactical voting
- Pp (20th Jun 2024 - 19:11:50)

How about voting for the local non political guy who is a resident ì.e. reform man from Hindhead

Re: Tactical voting
- Sam (20th Jun 2024 - 20:11:18)

@undecided… maybe update your name to NotVotingToryButUndecidedOnOthers then ?

Re: Tactical voting
- Joe (20th Jun 2024 - 21:25:12)

How can the above poster really think that a candidate from the Reform party standing for MP is non political?

Re: Tactical voting
- AF (21st Jun 2024 - 10:58:36)

I had a look at Election Calculus which is normally pretty reliable. They predict the Lib Dem will win easily. With the conservatives in 2nd place and reform in 3rd but some way behind.
This seat will make no difference in the overall result so just vote for the party you think is best, no need for tactical voting this time.
By the way I'm not a lib dem supporter, i saw their candidate at a hustings and he did not impress, the worst of the 4 candidates.

Re: Tactical voting
- JD (21st Jun 2024 - 11:32:29)

But isn't their prediction based on the various polls that have gathered respondents' answers to the question as to whether or not they intend to vote tactically? I have been asked that question twice in YouGov surveys recently.

Re: Tactical voting
- Undecided@undecided(NotVotingToryButUndecidedOnOthers) (21st Jun 2024 - 15:05:58)

@sam: Done!

Now change yours to @SamWithoutVerificationIMakeSweepingAssumptionsAboutOthersInAPassiveAggressiveManner

Re: Tactical voting
- Sam (21st Jun 2024 - 18:35:11)

All seats make a difference AF, if the overall result is already certain as you suggest do we even want a powerless MP from a powerless party. The whole point of tactical voting is disruptive against an incumbent yet patently useless party, your suggestion to let one of them go and or there is no point is selective.

The individual representing the conservatives local might well if great, the words they use sound great but the party they have chosen to participate in have had a go for 14 years, lied, failed etc, so there is no chance they deserve it based purely on an individual.

Re: Tactical voting
- AF (22nd Jun 2024 - 08:12:49)

The point of tactical voting is to vote for someone you don't really want or support to get rid of someone you like even less. I don't mean an individual but a party. Now in a close election like 2010 or 2017 this may be important.
However this election will be a labour landslide with a majority in the 3 figures quite likely to be over 200. So what I'm saying there's no need to vote for someone you don't really like just to get the Conservatives out, just go with the party you really want. And to clarify i will NOT be voting Conservative, I'm going for Reform, they wont win but are the new home for traditional conservatives.
Hopefully after the election the remnants of the conservatives will merge with Reform and Nigel will take over and win the 2034 election.

Re: Tactical voting
- Amelia Gabriel (22nd Jun 2024 - 09:53:13)

You might be interested in this event. 4 candidates will be in Liphook debating on this issues of climate and nature. All candidates have been invited but only 4 are attending.

🗳️ Meet your candidates before the General Election🗳️

📍 Liphook Millennium Centre
📅 Tuesday 25th June
⏰. 7:30pm

Register here -
Re: Tactical voting
- Jim (22nd Jun 2024 - 19:56:42)

AF - Reform is 53% owned and so 100% controlled by just one man. Do you really want to vote for a dictatorship? History shows that that does not produce a good result.

Re: Tactical voting
- M (24th Jun 2024 - 09:58:46)

I do find this thread interesting and slightly worrying.
It would appear that "Sam" et all don't actually have a preferred candidate/party they wish to vote for, who they presumably believe would be best for the country, the area they live in and their family.

It appears that all they want to do is remove the Conservative party from government and teach them a lesson.

I find this worrying solely because it seems they have done no research, and formed an educated opinion on what is the best candidate, just a knee jerk reaction to the media hysteria surrounding the whole UK political environment.

For the first time in my life I don't know who to vote for.
All the candidates in our ward do nothing for me and I'm not convinced that any government from any party can resolve successfully the issues we find our country in.

I'm considering not voting at all but realise that is a wasted opportunity and would mean I'd have no reason to complain about any government for the next 4/5 years.

I think many voters are going down the route of change for change sake, possibly not change for the better.

Re: Tactical voting
- Jim (24th Jun 2024 - 12:51:27)

M - If all "Sam" et al want to do is remove the Conservative party from government and teach them a lesson, then isn't that their democratic right to do so?

Why do you find it worrying for people to vote for what they want?

Re: Tactical voting
- Voter (24th Jun 2024 - 17:43:09)

I’m voting for anyone that will keep us out of the EU and stop the illegal boats coming to our shores. If there isa party out there that will do that then they get my vote. So that rules out labour and conservatives both useless one can’t stop the boats the other wants to take us back into the dreaded EU and take us back years into the dark old days. Only thing to do is emigrate to Australia they seem to have got it about right.

Re: Tactical voting
- A local (24th Jun 2024 - 20:24:32)

Keep dreaming, have you not heard Australian immigration is completely out of control and the locals can't get a sniff of a house, it's all going very European style pal, evil as everyone and our media and our millennials and our politicians keep telling us we are, people all want to come live with us, even if it means fleeing the French in a dinghy to the halfway line and the nearest RNLI or Greenpeace, boat, something doesn't add up!

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