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Mike Sullivan. Retiring.
- Mike Sullivan (4th Jun 2024 - 16:59:49)

To all my customers, from Mike Sullivan

I have retired from my Tree Surgery business as of the end of May after over 50 years of working with trees.

Stewart Leddington, who owns and runs S.G.L Forestry is taking the business over, he has a good organisation, and many years of experience, so please feel free to contact Stewart using my usual mobile phone number 07714 670747 when he takes that over as soon as we can arrange this with the service provider.

In the meantime please ring him on his number 07970 841204. He has a greater range of equipment than we do, so will be able to offer an excellent service.

It has been an exciting career, and my admiration and love of trees has increased as I consider how marvellously they grow and function, and the deep-seated pleasure they give us.

I started with Woking Borough Council in 1973, and we were mostly felling the giant Elm trees which were succumbing to Dutch Elm Disease at that time. Then a spell teaching Tree Surgery at Merrist Wood Agricultural College just before I started my own business in May of 1980.

I've enjoyed working for private customers usually, but also, some larger organisations at times, including our local Parish Council, and meeting people who in many cases have become friends, some of whom we still work for after more than 40 years. That's been very rewarding.

I'd like to thank all of you who have trusted us with your Tree work over these many years, it has been a pleasure to carry out your work for you.

Once again, thank you very much, and my very best wishes to you all.

Mike Sullivan

Re: Mike Sullivan. Retiring.
- Russ Ellis (4th Jun 2024 - 17:53:32)

Happy retirement Mike it’s good you will soon find your time is all taken up you will wonder how you managed to work . Happy days.

Re: Mike Sullivan. Retires.
- k (5th Jun 2024 - 09:38:12)

Happy retirement - thanks for your help at various companies I have introduced you to over the years. ENJOY your RETIREMENT - and thanks for the updated contacts.

Re: Mike Sullivan. Retiring.
- Steve Read (5th Jun 2024 - 10:56:31)

Wishing you all the best Mike on your retirement.

Re: Mike Sullivan. Retiring.
- Lofty (5th Jun 2024 - 17:21:16)

Dear Mike
Thank you so much for looking after our trees 🌲 for all these years, and for all the advice you've given me so generously so that I now know an Oak from an Ash and a Pecan from a Mockernut.

They are now sulking (trees are very sensitive...) and I am wondering how I will be able to reach the top of our 100ft Wellingtonia to top it out. Lucky I'm tall... 🤭

Take care, Mike. Enjoy your retirement.


Re: Mike Sullivan. Retiring.
- S.L. (5th Jun 2024 - 19:22:51)

I have been very grateful for your help in deciding what should happen to my two large trees in the garden. Have a very happy retirement you have certainly deserved it.

Re: Mike Sullivan. Retiring.
- Simon (5th Jun 2024 - 20:26:45)

Happy retirement Mike and thanks for looking after our trees up at Hindhead.

Re: Mike Sullivan. Retiring.
- sarah clark (6th Jun 2024 - 18:07:06)

Happy Retirement Mike, Enjoy your free time. Many Thanks for all of your
help. From Sarah and Paul Clark.

Re: Mike Sullivan. Retiring.
- Mike Sullivan (10th Jun 2024 - 08:37:09)

Thank you for the kind messages on here, and other texts and emails. Much appreciated.

Kind regards.


Re: Mike Sullivan. Retiring.
- Suzanne Gillespie (13th Jun 2024 - 22:33:11)

Sad to read this Mike but a retirement well deserved. Enjoy it as we all know life is too short. Take care and thankyou for all you have done for our garden.

Re: Mike Sullivan. Retiring.
- Dave B (14th Jun 2024 - 10:39:12)

All the best Mike and enjoy your well earned retirement

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