Business Directory - Add Entry
We offer a range of free and pay for listings into the Liphook.co.uk Business Directory, giving a variety of options to local business.
We accept payment for our bold and featured entry by cheque or credit card.
Free Entry
Our basic entry is totally free for any business in the Liphook area.
Bold Entry - £49 + VAT per year
Our directory contains 100's of businesses within the area, our bold entry deal ensures that your business gets noticed and gives you results.
Featured Entry - £99 + VAT per year
Our featured entry offers your business a unique position within our directory, including both our bold entry feature, and a "recommend" link beside your company name. This option also includes a single one page website including your company logo at www.liphook.co.uk/yourcompany if you do not already have a website.
If you are looking for an option which is not listed here, you might consider our advertising solutions or contact us with your exact requirements.
