Parish Council
Monday night's Parish Council meeting saw elections to posts for the coming year. The 12 elected Councillors serve a term of four years. But each year they have an internal election process.
The current Chairman, Alan Jordan, was unanimously re-elected for another year.
Barry Hope takes over from Jim Walters as the new Vice Chairman of the Council.
The various Committees will be chaired and vice-chaired as detailed below:
Finance and Policy: Alan Jordan (c), Jim Walters (vc)
Planning: Anna James (c), Simon Coyte (vc)
Recreation: Simon Coyte (c), Les Futcher (vc)
Highways, Byways and Transport: Jim Walters (c), John Tough (vc)
Millennium Centre Management: Barry Hope (c), Freddie Dawkins (vc)
The Forums, which are designed to be meeting places for the community to take part in discussion and debate with Councillors, are also subject to election each year. The new Forum Chairmen are:
Youth: Freddie Dawkins
Planning: Simon Coyte
Sport & Recreation: Les Futcher
Allotments: Jim Bridge
Highways and Transport: John Tough
Byways: John Tough
The Millennium Centre Management Committee is unusual, in that it has 6 elected Councillors and 6 co-opted members of the public. Two of the seats are reserved for the Scouts & Guides (Nina Kamm) and the Preservation Society (Janet Marr). The four new co-opted members are:
Sue Dawkins, Felicity Groves, Nigel Marr and Richard Merriman.
There are a number of other external organisations which have elected Council representatives, a full list is available from the Parish Council office.
The next full meeting of the Parish Council will be on Monday 28 June, 8pm, at the Haskell Centre.
Article posted on: 25 May 2004
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