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Byways around Liphook
- Gilly (15th Dec 2020 - 18:41:33)

Does anyone know the status of the byway known as 'Muddy Lane' that runs away from Chiltley Lane? Is it a 'Byway Open to All Traffic' or a 'Restricted Byway' - or something else?

Re: Byways around Liphook
- D (15th Dec 2020 - 19:20:17)

Hello Gilly, is this the one that finishes near the Black Fox at the top of the road to Milland?

Re: Byways around Liphook
- MJR (15th Dec 2020 - 20:43:52)

The OS Map seems to indicate that approximately the first third from Midhurst Road is a byway open to all traffic.(BOAT) The remainder is a Restricted byway - not for use by mechanically propelled vehicles.

The route is part of the Sussex Border Path.

Re: Byways around Liphook
- Gilly (15th Dec 2020 - 23:05:22)

Really I meant the little one that runs off Midhurst Road opposite Chiltley Lane between South Road and Hollycombe Close.

Thanks for the info on North Lane MJR

Re: Byways around Liphook
- D (16th Dec 2020 - 00:47:03)

That one is a footpath, Gilly. The one that finishes at the golf course near the railway bridge over the old A3.

Re: Byways around Liphook
- S (16th Dec 2020 - 08:48:56)

Actually that’s a BOAT (byway open to all traffic).

It goes under the railway and finishes just south of the Links.

Source: OS 25k map.

Re: Byways around Liphook
- M (16th Dec 2020 - 09:00:51)

I find this site useful for footpaths etc.

You can pay for extras but the free basic map tells you all you need to know (look at the Map key to know what a path is).

The path from Midhurst Road to Portsmouth Road you ask about appears to be a Byway. My understanding of a Byway is:

"Who can use a byway?
These byways are normally marked "byways" and are open to motorists, bicyclists, horseriders, motorcyclists and pedestrians. As with public tarmac road networks, motorists must ensure that they are legally authorised to use BOATs (i.e. registered, taxed, insured and MoT'd)."

Hope that helps as I imagine you're annoyed about how churned up it gets by the 4x4's and motorcycles that use it.

Re: Byways around Liphook
- Editor (16th Dec 2020 - 09:12:52)


Liphook route 44 BOAT

Re: Byways around Liphook
- Gilly (16th Dec 2020 - 12:23:11)

Thank you all for your informative comments. How on earth one can ever police whether users of mechanised vehicles on byways are insured, taxed, road worthy, etc, I can't imagine!

The areas marked BOATs are not really as they become impassable for pedestrians and most cyclists at this time of the year due to the ruts and mud made by the motor vehicles. I don't suppose the parish council would get involved, but maybe the National Park Authority would show some interest?

The abuse of all byways seems to have become a real blight in this area over the past year or two and I wish there was some way we could all come together to recover these rights of way for everyone's enjoyment, rather than the few illegal users intimidating the majority.

Re: Byways around Liphook
- D (16th Dec 2020 - 13:37:11)

I stand corrected, it is a B.O.A.T. If the effects of motorised vehicles legally using these routes is an issue there are plenty of bridleways around here.

Re: Byways around Liphook
- er (16th Dec 2020 - 20:25:41)

Interestingly I read that a BOAT (or byway open to all traffic) is subject to the National Speed Limit due to lack of streetlights (60mph on a single lane carriageway), I'd like to see anyone try that on Muddy Lane (not), but to be sure, people need to understand these are shared roads, unlike the other 99% of bridleways and footpaths reserved for pedestrians or horses, treat these more like narrow country lanes, now you get the picture!

Re: Byways around Liphook
- Jennifer (17th Dec 2020 - 09:34:58)

If it's a BOAT (which my OS Map confirms) then I'm afraid it's only to be expected that it will be used by motorised vehicles.

There are not very many places where off-road vehicles can legitimately be driven, so I think we should accept that the few BOATs that we have will inevitably become extremely rutted and muddy during the winter months.

I would far rather the motorcyclists, quad bikers etc use the BOATs than the footpaths and bridleways, as has happened recently in nature reserves and SSSIs. Around Weaver's Down, for example - an SSSI and part of an internationally important Special Protection Area for nature conservation - the countryside has been blighted by the illegal use of footpaths and even open countryside by motorcyclists. I, for one, would be more than happy to accept that our local BOATs will become tricky to walk on, if it meant that vehicles stayed away from footpaths, bridleways and conservation areas.

Re: Byways around Liphook
- Tim (17th Dec 2020 - 13:55:57)

I take it the people commenting that they have no issue with the vehicles haven't been to the end of this BOAT in the last 5 years. The Somme-like area that now features an upturned, burnt out 4x4 is private land - not part of the BOAT, yet it is used by these vehicles.

 Turning left towards the bomb pits is a public footpath - meaning pedestrians only. Not for bicycles and definitely not for motor vehicles and yet on many occasions I have been pressured off the footpath by motorbikes.

 The woodland between the field and the footpath is clearly signposted as private and motorised vehicles are not permitted yet has been irreversibly damaged by motorbikes making their courses.

 Last week, 2 4x4s spent the night all over these woods and footpaths - destroying the huge metal gate by the bomb pits. Then going on to drive through fences and horse fields beyond.

 To think that this BOAT is only being used for the purpose of getting from one end to the other is laughable. It is being used to access the private land to have a good time tearing up someone else's property.

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