Liphook in Bloom
held their Presentation Evening at the Millennium Hall last night (26 October 2010).
The hall was packed with the entrants and winners of the local competition, the local competition judges, sponsors, Friends of Liphook in Bloom and of course the Liphook in Bloom team.
The theme of the evening was to reflect on how far Liphook in Bloom has come from its humble beginnings and how we can take it forward. – hopefully with new volunteers. We need volunteers to help with the behind the scenes work as well as with the planting and weeding, so if you have an hour or two to spare from time to time then please email info@liphookinbloom.co.uk. We look forward to hearing from you and guarantee you an enthusiastic “welcome”!
Jan Roles filmed and edited a video which captured what Liphook in Bloom had been up to over the past year. It included a tribute to Tony West who was very important to Liphook in Bloom with his extensive horticulturalist knowledge, as well as being its Chairman for several years. He sadly passed away at the beginning of this year and will be greatly missed by all the team.
The highlight of the evening was the presentation of the Special Awards, which are kept a secret until the night.
The first was the Best Shop Window Award, which was hotly contested. The winner won by one point !
And the winner was.... FINDLAYS
The Best Newcomer or Best Sustained Effort was won by.... HISCOCKS....
And the Best Overall was won by.... Little Cherubs Nursery...
Liphook in Bloom Chairman, Philip Jordan, awarded the Chairman’s Prize this year to Alan and Margaret Wilson for their services to the community.
Well done everyone.
Article posted on: 27 October 2010
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