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KNTC allpointsfibre
- Russ (19th Jul 2024 - 14:25:52)

Can anyone explain to me . We have just had our village torn apart by swish fibre putting in fibre all over the village, now we have KNTC doing it again. No wonder our roads are a mess . What’s going on is it beyond companies to work together and use the same hole in the road it’s not rocket science. No wonder our country’s going to pot going back to the old days of demarcation one man one job you hold it I hit it . I’m only an old country boy but in my working life i had to do everything that was thrown at me . If I’m out of order I will hold my hand up .

Re: KNTC allpointsfibre
- Trevor Maroney (19th Jul 2024 - 20:41:31)

Dear Russ

It's a long story. City Fibre won the government contract to provide fibre cabling in Hampshire and 2 other counties. This may form part of a bigger project which has a government subsidy of £318 million and £170 million private investment.

It would appear that Swish (now owned by Cuckoo Broadband) got in quick and obtained the monopoly on laying cabling. It would appear, from what you say, that other speculators are doing the same.

HCC deny any involvement and referred me to the Communications Act (EE something) which seems to give developers the right to lay cabling without reference to county; I haven't had time to research this, yet. My question is "who in the last government under this Act gave Swish the right to create a monopoly?"

Ofcom take questions and concerns on issues but refuse to give any explanations or answers.

HCC, whose answers following robust questioning I believe, referred me to the Monopolies Commission (job pending).

I did raised the issue with City Fibre who denied any knowledge of Swish, (interesting). I have just written to them again asking how their contract with the government - which I understand is to provde the fibre cabling with access to all broadband providers - is being policed.

At present once the BT analogue lines are removed we will only have access to Swish Fibre broadband. That's the point at which I believe prices for access to superfast broadband will spiral. I, for one, would like to prevent this from happening.

I haven't seen Swish staff about recently, which may hve left the market open to other speculators, hence your question. City Fibre have said that they haven't started work in our area yet.

I believe that I am not alone in looking into this issue. I therefore welcome other views and/or experiences but please NOT wild speculation or mud slinging.

Re: KNTC allpointsfibre
- Russ (19th Jul 2024 - 22:06:08)

Thanks Trevor knew someone would have the answer . Think I’m not far off Money everyone wants a bite of the cherry and won’t share. So we the good old public suffer. We pay through the nose for the internet so they can dig up the roads. Same old story expect this government are on the gravy train as well. No laws in place to make developers put all this in when they build new houses no compulsory solar panels on new houses and it goes on . And we all suffer. Never mind the sun is shining.

Re: KNTC allpointsfibre
- C (20th Jul 2024 - 08:07:17)

It is not correct to say that Liphook residents can only connect to Swish for ultra fast internet. We left Swish and now have 500mbs service via PlusNet which uses the BT OpenReach network. Cheaper than Swish too.

Re: KNT@thebatchelors.netallpointsfibre
- J (20th Jul 2024 - 09:46:46)

@ C - it depends where you are in the village. At the moment the majority of the village only has the Swish option, with only a few areas having Openreach Fibre laid.

Re: KNTC allpointsfibre
- Russ (20th Jul 2024 - 10:48:07)

C but as I understand it when BT drop their lines we are stuck with only fibre so no choice I’m not very up with this so really not a clue..

Re: KNTC allpointsfibre
- M (20th Jul 2024 - 11:40:05)

My understanding is BT Openreach will not be removing the copper wires to any ones house, only the public switched telephone network. You will still be able to have a telephone but it will work over the broadband connection (just as a telephone with Swish does or, come to think of it, any phone call made over WhatsApp/Messenger etc.).
Most people in Liphook using the BT Openreach network are only able to get Fibre to cabinet broadband, utilising the copper wires to the premises. Some newer developments have BT Openreach Fibre to premises I believe and some developments have Fibre to premises via other providers and these all give unbundled access to any provider to supply your broadband. The sort of providers you can get via comparison sites.
Swish on the other hand is a "private" provider who will only provide their own broadband service via their own network.
KNTC is an unknown to me. Will it be a "private" network or an unbundled one which any broadband provider can use, much in the way the BT Openreach network is?

Re: KNTC allpointsfibre
- Russ (20th Jul 2024 - 13:59:44)

Thanks M gets more complex. The KNTC man came round and dropped a leaflet about digging up the road in the near future I said but swish have just done that he shrugged his shoulders only a contractor mate. It seems we are in for a lot of this that was my point about the roads and disruptions. In my view it’s totally out of order to keep digging the roads up when they could do it in one go.

Re: KNTC allpointsfibre
- LAC (20th Jul 2024 - 16:14:48)

KTNC seem to be a network designer. They are part of Fern trading, a now very large fibre provider. It's difficult to figure out what's going on as Fern have huge investments in Swish and seem to be using the brand "Cuckoo" to expand their service. Some of the new developments in Liphook have fibre and many houses are bypassed by the Swish network. However, many properties are not connected to fibre. So, why KNTC? They are specialists in network provision and using Openreach ducts etc. I'm speculating they are acting for Fern trading to expand Swish provision but may be using the Cuckoo brand. Either way, Fern trading have investments in both Swish and Cuckoo along with their customers. The fly in the ointment is Openreach, who are also committed to fibre to the premises. Will they let a rival try to hoover up many remaining customers by using their ducts? Personally, while it's frustrating to have more digging, provision of full fibre to all of Liphook is essential for the future. We shall await the next steps in a very complex fibre world where the main delays are due to bureaucracy not technical issues.

Re: KNTC allpointsfibre
- Trevor Maroney (20th Jul 2024 - 17:34:18)

I wish poster on this site would stop hiding behind initials. Readers cannot judge the validity of what you write without knowing who you are. For all I know the individuals may not reside in Bramshott and Liphook or might have connections with businesses or similar ventures being discussed.

That said, I am inclined to believe everything that has been mentioned so far, I am just missing the sources and what weighting to place on the points raised.

For the record, I raised the exact same complaint that Russ initially made to this post. It triggered me to respond in the beginning. I question Swish about their monopoly and said that I would not like it if other broadband providers started digging up the pavements to lay their cables. This was months ago. I recently raised the issue again. The answer I received this time was that new providers could run cables through Swish ducting.

Re: KNTC allpointsfibre
- lac (21st Jul 2024 - 18:17:47)

do a bit of online research and you'll find all my points in the last post are valid.

Re: KNTC allpointsfibre
- er (22nd Jul 2024 - 12:15:23)

BT has invested around £20 billion in new fibre cabling, it has got to most places in the country and aims to complete the job fully over the next few years. The problem is that due to BT's once dominant market position (as the national phone provider owned by us) the Thatcher government, when it sold off our national industries to private investors, forced BT to share it's lines, this still applies today even decades later when the market has changed being recognition, each and every company is able to use it's fibre, which from a community perspective is good, but this made it harder for BT to raise new capital, putting its future in doubt at times.

But when others lay fibre it belongs just to them so each new company has to dig the street all up again and again and so on. It's this double standards that almost ruined a great British company, damaged our streets necessarily and the regulator should now address this anomaly for everyone's sake, it shouldn't just be BT doing this, it is a serious regulatory issue.

Re: KNTC allpointsfibre
- lac (22nd Jul 2024 - 16:00:03)

Very good points. Sharing BT ducts is an obvious solution but they still need to be negotiated, which is something KNTC seem to offer. Also, one of the big delays in providing fibre is the requirement for "wayleave". This is an agreement between the services provider and landowner to install and repair equipment. Without it nothing can happen. In our part of the world it held up deployment of fibre to the local cabinet by 12 months, as no one knew who owned the land. Hopefully changes to the planning laws will address this issue. It becomes a huge issue when land is fragmented in ownership and there is no easily found record of who owns it. Fibre companies often use wayleave experts rather than do it themselves (KTNC?). Lets hope fibre to the premises can be achieved in the rest of `Liphook without major works.

Re: KNTC allpointsfibre
- Gr (22nd Jul 2024 - 21:26:49)

If you look on kntc web site they seem to work with several fibre companies including swish so could be an extension to swish network

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