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For sale VW PASSAT
- Mike (12th Sep 2024 - 13:15:56)

For sale: VW Passat 2.0 Tech TDI Blue Motion Diesel 2011.
Metallic silver. Excellent condition and very economical. It usually does around 47mpg locally and around 55mpg on a run. Quite fast. Road tax £35.00 per year. I’ve owned this car for seven and a half years. I bought it at around 50,000 miles with a VW service history and have had it serviced as per VW’s schedule around every 6,000 miles since then. It has 109,000 miles on the clock now and drives beautifully. £3,700 Mike 07526 628889

Re: For sale VW PASSAT
- Mike (17th Sep 2024 - 09:32:29)

Now reduced to £3,500

Mike 07526 628889

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