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Electric car
- Hugh Fraser (19th Sep 2024 - 07:07:33)

Hi, looking to go green and buy an electric, battery car. Has any one got one they want sell? Thanks Hugh

Re: Electric car
- Alan (19th Sep 2024 - 07:14:55)

Hi Hugh

What is your budget and what sort of range are you looking for ?

There are some cracking lease deals around at the moment if you could consider that option, rather than owning.

Re: Electric car
- Ian (19th Sep 2024 - 07:59:25)

Alan/editor, this is a good opportunity for a nice bit of commission!

Re: Electric car
- Alan (19th Sep 2024 - 08:16:45)

Ian, I doubt he'd go for a new Tesla, but you never know.

We've just got a brand new Nissan Leaf as a pool car. 168 miles of range. Total lease cost is £6,000 over 3 years. It's no Tesla but is actually quite a nice drive with nice interior trim, but too many buttons, for me !

Re: Electric car
- Russ (19th Sep 2024 - 09:54:21)

First Hugh can you charge it at home. Have you had the charging units put in . If you only go local shopping etc ok . But if you want to do a 200 mile journey you have to charge it so you must factor that in . As Alan says lease £40 a week to sit in your driveway then insurance and charging. Not cheap but depends what you want. Hopefully they will get the prices down report today saying motorists are shunning electric because of the cost so perhaps it will shake up the manufacturing companies.

Re: Electric car
- Hugh Fraser (19th Sep 2024 - 11:35:27)

Hi thanks for the advice, not looking to lease as just want a.

Re: Electric car
- Brian Alexander Airey (19th Sep 2024 - 12:06:44)

Prices of second hand EVs are now more affordable. I took the plunge recently and purchased one at auction. The auction had plenty of EVs that had been handed in after a 2-3 years contract/lease hire. They were fully serviced and by and large in good condition.

There seemed to be a plenty of these cars probably due to the overly generous tax breaks for some (especially the higher rate tax payers who could offset tax).

You don't actually need a home charger but it helps. I have been fine without and I know others who don't have one.

One downside to watch out for is the huge rise in car tax next year introduced by Jeremy Hunt. As many EVs two years ago were pricey new, they are hit by the luxury car tax even second hand and even if they are massively cheaper now.

I don't believe the Luxury Car Tax is retrospective on already supplied vehicles - unless you know otherwise.

Re: Electric car
- Brian (19th Sep 2024 - 13:41:44)

Editor. You are prob right. The RAC says only the regular tax is retrospective the luxury part is not. Govt site is useless, not clear and in some cases out of date. The tip I got given is to retax before the new system comes into place in March to extend the £0 tax for another year.

Re: Electric car
- Hugh Fraser (19th Sep 2024 - 21:48:24)

Hi Brian/others for providing advice. Brian which auction company did you use. Are these auctions open to private buyers?

Re: Electric car
- Truth (20th Sep 2024 - 15:36:08)

Brian, just a note re your point saying Jeremy Hunt brought in the additional rate for vehicles >£40k.

That is true.

It is also part of the EU and WEF's economic policy, so it wasn't Hunt's decision alone but rather another example of where the taxes and policies that affect us directly are often decided in Davos.

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