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Bordon Dump
- AF (26th Sep 2024 - 22:45:08)

Just heard that the council have approved the plan to close Bordon and Petersfield Dumps.
Still awaiting a final vote and i know the county councillor for Bordon is still fighting but looks like a lost cause.
The nearest site will be Alton, hello fly tipping.

Re: Bordon Dump
- Dave B (27th Sep 2024 - 09:06:04)

I normally ignore AF as his posts are often odd. However in the event of this being true I will make a comment.

We are as a nation are accelerating to third world status, it seems the intention is to make our streets look like Sao Paulo, Calcutta or Lagos. Will they next propose to close public lavatories or (as has been done in many West Country towns) remove public bins as well to save money?

Local authorities seem to have forgotten their principle role is to provide public services. It is all well and good building thousands of new houses (Bordon) but to remove the infrastructure at the same time just leaves me incredulous.

If this true, I would propose a dirty campaign where collectively the residents of the area take their rubbish to the local authorities offices and dump on the front door. At least then they will be motivated to fulfil their obligation to collect household waste.

Re: Bordon Dump
- Joe (27th Sep 2024 - 10:01:43)

It is not being decided by EHDC it is at Winchester County Council level.

Unfortunately the office is in the middle of the town with double yellow lines outside it would be good to find out when the councillors are voting on this I presume it will be in public.

We need a national publicity campaign before they take any notice.

Re: Bordon Dump
- Peter Rowan (27th Sep 2024 - 10:57:36)

I suggest if you are concerned about this ludicrous proposal that you email Andy Tree.

As a local Councilor is trying to get this resolved, that is not closed.

The more who do this will complement his vital efforts

Re: Bordon Dump
- Truth (27th Sep 2024 - 11:52:42)

Dave B, I agree and you are correct that the UK is fast becoming a third-world country.

But you and I also know that if we were to fly-tip the authorities would 'make an example of us' as 'thugs' etc. That's all I can or am permitted to say in our undemocratic country.

Re: Bordon Dump
- Paul (27th Sep 2024 - 16:29:15)

I bet council tax will go down which it should do If we have to pay per mile cost even more to get rid of rubbish guess be more bonus money for mp in back pocket.

Re: Bordon Dump
- MR (27th Sep 2024 - 19:12:05)

This is what Andy Tree says about the Tip closing on FaceBook:

Post from Andy Tree:
Today (26th Sep 2024) I spoke against the closure of Bordon Household Waste & Recycling Centre. You can watch me speak by searching for 'Hampshire County Council' on YouTube and selecting 'Universal Services Select Committee - SP25 - Meeting 4'
I speak at 25:57 on the recording.

After questions and debate about potential closures across Hampshire, the committee then voted on an amendment that included asking cabinet to consider alternative arrangements keeping Tier 3 and Tier 4 Household Waste & Recycling Centres open. (Bordon is Tier 3.) This was supported cross-party and unanimously.

The battle is not won yet because this scrutiny committee is advisory only, but this is a positive step forward. This recommendation will now go to the cabinet to make the final decision on 14th October.

Thank you once again for all those who signed the petition I handed in and I also want to show support to the staff that work at Bordon HWRC, during what must be a difficult period of uncertainly. Thank you for the work you do.

Re: Bordon Dump
- Trevor Maroney (27th Sep 2024 - 20:37:12)

I first came across the issue of potential HWRC closures between 2013 and 2015 when chairing the B&L Parish Plan.

I raised the issue with our then County councillor Ferris Cowper who explained that as the current Bordon site was earmarked for housing in W&B's Regeneration Plan it would have to close eventually. I pressed him on a replacement site and he assured me that one would be found.

I was given to understand that the cashstrapped HCC owned the existing site, which made sense provided a suitable alternative WRC site was provided. It would seem that no action is being taken on any replacement.

I have given this information to cllr. Tree. For the record, Ferris resigned as a councillor from HCC in 2016 and EHDC 2020/21.

I believe that the site is now required for further housing. I also believe that it should be either replaced by a local industrial site if future fly-tipping is to be minimized. Failing that it should remain where it is. That being said, the new occupants of the surrounding new houses will find it off putting to have the 'Bordon Dump' in their midst.

Re: Bordon Dump
- M (28th Sep 2024 - 09:51:24)

So AF you are incorrect in posting that the Bordon site is to close?
Where did you get your info?.......fake news comes to mind?

Re: Bordon Dump
- Keith Birch (28th Sep 2024 - 10:34:06)

Anyone moving there will be making an informed decision to relocate knowing where the tip is located.

The choice being suggested is weighing up wrecking the environment randomly with fly tipping all across the Council area and the on going for decades the cost to clear it away, and turning those with waste into vandals by design.

Selling the land off for housing is always going to be attractive to the owner but so very selfish for an organisation that the TAX payers fund.

Any council member thinking of voting favour, should Resign as this is against the wishes of the users who are the Tax payers

Re: Bordon Dump
- Joe (28th Sep 2024 - 16:05:11)

The decision to approve closure is set for later in the month. Problem is we only have one or two county councillors to speak up for our area I am not even sure they are on the committee which is voting to close the Bordon Recycling centre. A report was written by officers recommending closure so Cllr Andy Tree has forced an amendment to the motion to close, in favour of keeping Bordon open, but who knows if that will be successful. He is the one keeping us all informed on the NextDoor website. I think that obviously with social care services costing so much these days the council are desperate to raise money, so building a new recycling site seems unlikely.

Re: Bordon Dump
- David McCoy (29th Sep 2024 - 11:11:00)

This is a foolish proposal by the county council as it will lead to fly tipping that will cost a percentage of the 1.75 million pounds the closers are predicted to save from the projected overspend for 2025. Interesting that Veolia made 1,335 million euros, double that of 2018. Maybe if councillors were better at running the council and procuring good contracts they and we would not be in this mess.

Re: Bordon Dump
- M (29th Sep 2024 - 11:58:04)

Actually Fly Tipping clearance is the responsibility of the District Council, EHDC in our case, and not the County Council (HCC).
So HCC close most of the Waste Recycling Centres and then any fallout regards Fly Tipping and extra waste in Household Bins is the responsibility of EHDC, who will have to foot the bill! .....or rather pass the cost on to us with Council Tax increase or further cuts in other services?
Seems like a win win scenario for HCC so no wonder they are looking at it!
HCC have a statutory duty to provide HWRC's so it appears they are trying to side step it?

Re: Bordon Dump
- Trevor Maroney (30th Sep 2024 - 16:04:36)

Do not forget that EHDC want you to BUY brown bins for recycling garden waste! Which they will collect provided you have paid! I understand that the collections arent that reliable. Interesting.

Re: Bordon Dump
- KM (14th Oct 2024 - 16:10:48)

BBC News - Hampshire: Tips avoid closure as council debates £16m in cuts -

Re: Bordon Dump
- Caroline (14th Oct 2024 - 19:02:13)

Great news about Bordon tip. So pleased!

Re: Bordon Dump
- AF (14th Oct 2024 - 19:03:39)

OK. I admit I was wrong, I jumped the gun, but it has been stated that the proposal will be reconsidered when doorstep collections are improved.

Re: Bordon Dump
- Ben (15th Oct 2024 - 17:27:40)

Begs the question though, where did you hear that it was approved? Goes to show you should always do your own research before posting...

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