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Liphook Carnival- time for a change
- SteveCooke (28th Sep 2024 - 09:20:59)

Surely it’s time that the Carnival is relocated to a summer date. Good chance it will be washout once again. I know some will say it’s a tradition but for many of us that have moved into the village, it seems illogical to keep this event at a time that is likely to have rubbish weather. Liphook needs to move on and evolve

Re: Liphook Carnival- time for a change
- Helen (28th Sep 2024 - 09:30:57)

I understand your point and agree to some extent but as someone who has been to over 40 carnivals I still find the whole thing magic and it's a real tradition in my family.

Re: Liphook Carnival- time for a change
- gr (28th Sep 2024 - 11:15:30)

Here we go again , with the summer we have had pretty wet anyway.

Re: Liphook Carnival- time for a change
- Keith Birch (28th Sep 2024 - 11:49:24)

Liphook community has been round this loop before and evolved to what has been successful, it just melts into nothing without the magic of darkness to show off the floats and the lights.

A newbie, let’s see what you are going to plan implement and suggest that can raise the sums of money, and bring fun to the participants and those watching.

Summer does not guarantee the good weather

Re: Liphook Carnival- time for a change
- Russ (29th Sep 2024 - 11:54:31)

As a long time participant of the carnival 70 odd years please don’t change it . Surely if you move to an area that you like you join the community because you like it . You don’t try to change it join in the activity’s liphook has such a lot of good voluntary groups ie The Carnival . Liphook in Bloom . Voluntary care . The day centre just a few . They all need support. The carnival now has some excellent new people on board to keep it going so join them to help think it’s about 120 years now so something must be right. Our community is very strong and we have a great history if you go to the heritage centre you will see it . As for the carnival it’s a night carnival would not be any good in the summer. We have it come rain or shine it makes no difference all part of the fun . Just a note many years ago an American lady that moved here was very upset by the carnival said her children could not get to sleep she was going to get it stopped our then chairman politely said by all means try but why don’t you come out and join in the fun . Says it all .

Re: Liphook Carnival- time for a change
- Dave B (30th Sep 2024 - 17:03:47)

Quite agree, Whilst it has had a little bit of a resurgence over the last couple of years, generally the Carnival is a shadow of its former self. Too few local floats, too many "professional" all seems to be in need of a bit of a reboot. Back to the drawing board i would say, it needs to evolve.

Re: Liphook Carnival- time for a change
- LEE MAC (5th Oct 2024 - 18:12:49)



Re: Liphook Carnival- time for a change
- Paul2 (5th Oct 2024 - 20:00:50)

Go for it Steve Cooke - you can personally take over organizing and running the whole carnival and move it to whatever date you choose!

+1 for Steve to lead it!

Re: Liphook Carnival- time for a change
- Oldie (5th Oct 2024 - 21:26:27)

Why dose everyone want change we have a great NIGHT carnival been running for over 100 years no where else has one locally let’s all join in and make it fantastic.

Re: Liphook Carnival- time for a change
- danny (7th Oct 2024 - 09:25:56)

Do you think that summer weather is predictable? At least if it's held at a time of year where we expect rain we can plan for it! Also the lights etc wont work in summer as it'll be too bright. Also, we need something to look forward to and to bridge the gap between summer and Christmas. Nuff said.

Re: Liphook Carnival- time for a change
- Jezz (7th Oct 2024 - 10:31:11)

Let’s go the whole hog if we’re going to move the carnival then we might as well move Christmas !!

Re: Liphook Carnival- time for a change
- Dave B (7th Oct 2024 - 13:17:21)

Jezz, what would be the reasoning for moving Christmas???? seems a somewhat bizarre statement.

I can understand some of the OP's reasoning for suggesting a reboot and alternative dates although I do not agree.

I think the point was that the weather is often bad at Christmas. So moving it to the summer would better. The carnival is a fixed event, much like Christmas. So, it shouldn't be changed. Obviously, those that want a summer carnival are welcome to organise it themselves.

Re: Liphook Carnival- time for a change
- Paul2 (8th Oct 2024 - 09:02:39)

The editor is right - leave the carnival as it is.

If people want a summer event - organise it separately. We can have more than one community event per annum!

C'mon Steve Cooke, sounds like you're chomping at the bit to lead this!

Re: Liphook Carnival- time for a change
- Terry Burns (8th Oct 2024 - 10:28:48)

Well said, Paul 2 and Russ. those that want a summer carnival great ,let’s have lots of fun in the village!! just go ahead and organise it👍👏

Re: Liphook Carnival- time for a change
- Paul2 (8th Oct 2024 - 11:27:12)

@Steve Cook - what date are you going to run the summer carnival?

Asking as I want to pencil it in my diary for 2025. The wife and family are already excited! Can't wait to see what you organise, we'll definitely be there!

Re: Liphook Carnival- time for a change
- MINION1 (9th Oct 2024 - 18:53:46)

If we don't have the carnival then, how will I know when to put my clocks back......

Cracking night out and community spirit and well done to new committee, great job.

Re: Liphook Carnival- time for a change
- Mark (10th Oct 2024 - 13:27:50)

I do agree with Steve Cook, a summer carnival would be much better

Cool - another member for the 'summer' carnival committee.

Re: Liphook Carnival- time for a change
- Russ (10th Oct 2024 - 13:47:25)

Great we can have two carnivals summer and winter. Steve and mark can organise the summer one and our carnival committee the winter one fantastic for our community.

Re: Liphook Carnival- time for a change
- Ian (11th Oct 2024 - 17:53:59)

It will be very interesting to see how many floats (proper ones) are in the procession this year. Also, the good folk of Liphook will need to contribute financially to make future events viable! Undoubtedly, attendance is down when the rain is chucking down which is always a little more likely at the end of October rather than in the summer (not this year I know!!!

Re: Liphook Carnival- time for a change
- Paul2 (11th Oct 2024 - 23:25:04)

Excellent new summer carnival committee forming!


I'm already looking forward to it ... !

Re: Liphook Carnival- time for a change
- Ian (12th Oct 2024 - 07:32:22)

Paul 2. Your youthful enthusiasm is noted, you could also join the committee in charge of the children’s entertainment, I’m sure you will empathise

Re: Liphook Carnival- time for a change
- Paul2 (12th Oct 2024 - 19:03:45)

Ooooh Ian, touche!

Instead of throwing your own toys out of your very small pram, calling other people children, how about an update on your progress with the summer carnival?

Re: Liphook Carnival- time for a change
- Ian (12th Oct 2024 - 19:34:53)

There you go again Paul2, you really haven’t yet got to grips with mature debate. If you are so dedicated to the Carnival no doubt you are on the committee, or perhaps volunteer to help throughout the year and during the event? Leave it to you if you can see where on coming from on this ?

Re: Liphook Carnival- time for a change
- Jen (13th Oct 2024 - 11:14:53)


I know it feels more likely that it would be raining on the last Saturday of October but in my own experience of the carnivals over the past 40 years or so the vast majority of them have been in dry weather. Sometimes it's been very cold, sometimes exceptionally mild - but pouring rain has been very rare, as I recall.

Re: Liphook Carnival- time for a change
- Paul2 (13th Oct 2024 - 14:24:16)

@Ian - despite your sweeping assumption and name calling, I can engage in mature debate.

It's just that your belittling comments don't require it.

Re: Liphook Carnival- time for a change
- D (13th Oct 2024 - 19:59:08)

We did used to have a summer fete and a donkey derby but they are no more. I suppose a donkey derby isn't "politically correct" these days.

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