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Chicken farm
- Resident (1st Feb 2025 - 12:19:41)

See the chicken farm development has raised its head again. Been trying for 10 years or more and always refused hope it gets refused again terrible place to put houses. MORE TRAFFIC through the square.

Re: Chicken farm
- Joe (2nd Feb 2025 - 04:41:38)

Unfortunately the government have increased housebuilding targets everywhere. If the local authorities do not build what they have been allotted then the government will step in somehow with swingeing penalties for the local council tax bill. EHDC , like Waverley are nearly bankrupt so they need the income from developers and obviously it costs them less if they build them all in a couple of locations instead of in multiple locations.

Re: Chicken farm
- AF (2nd Feb 2025 - 08:54:08)

I've looked at the proposals in the past and they look okay to me. We have to build somewhere and this seems a reasonable place.
I agree there may be an increase in traffic though the square but the only answer is to build some relief roads round the village.
The current government will not give any money to a tory stronghold for road building so the only answer is to build houses and use developer contributions to build the roads.

Re: Chicken farm
- Resident (2nd Feb 2025 - 11:03:10)

Looking at the house building situation in liphook it needs to be looked at from a point of view to benefit liphook. We can’t go on building houses around everywhere without infrastructure ie roads to take the extra traffic. We definitely don’t want any developments on the other side of the railway away from the A3 that’s madness. Looking at the other possibilities the SDNP development just come on surly it would make sense to build all the allocated housing on one place on the land available between Portsmouth road and longmoor road and use all the developers money to put a road through perhaps we could claw back developers contributions from previous years as well because they have never been spent in liphook. That would benefit liphook tremendously all the children could walk to school and also walk to the station there’s a new crossing on Portsmouth road already. All the traffic from the other side of liphook could access the A3 without going through the square so it’s a win win situation. This madness of building remote developments has to stop the people in charge needs to work together or perhaps bring in the government.

Re: Chicken farm
- Joe (3rd Feb 2025 - 08:23:47)

It will not happen the way either Resident or A F want. The government will not care who is in power locally, no new roads will be built, both developments will be built. Every area is affected so Liphook is not either a special case or singled out for good or bad treatment.

Re: Chicken farm
- John (3rd Feb 2025 - 10:06:29)

I agree with Joe

Sadly, no new roads will be built from developer contributions regardless who wants or needs them. The developer contributions or CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) has amounted to millions over the past 10 years or so when lots of house building has taken place. Very little of this money ends up being spent in the parish and more new houses will result in the same thing happening. Lots of promises and great schemes but Hampshire County Council and EHDC will end up with nearly all of that money in their coffers.

Proper infrastructure needs to happen in this area; water treatment plants, bigger / better surgeries and more staff, more schooling and sports facilities, and of course better transport facilities. None of these generate money or, more importantly, profit for councils or developers so they are extremely unlikely to happen.

Sad but that's just how it seems to go

Re: Chicken farm
- Horrified (3rd Feb 2025 - 10:35:52)

Absolutely horrified that EHDC could even consider any developments on that side of the village. The centre of liphook is a nightmare most of the time now if they allow more houses on that side it will make the situation much worse. It’s ridiculous when there are other sites available ie the site at hewshott lane right on the A3 must be the number one spot walking distance from the schools . And of course the land behind bohunt school really is the place to develop for the good of liphook if only the powers to be would get together and see sense.

Re: Chicken farm
- Paul2 (4th Feb 2025 - 15:27:54)

Not sure the bridge and road over the railway would last if trucks loaded with materials for building 100 houses start using it!

Re: Chicken farm
- Selfish (4th Feb 2025 - 19:22:30)

Selfish opinions by NiMBY’s to push housing to Portsmouth Road side of the village, it should be shared out and the Chicken Farm quite rightly is identified during years of lying derelict. The Square has managed to cope with variations of usage over decades, it is entirely self regulating, by vehicles etc and those who choose to live within the village.

Re: Chicken farm
- Polly (4th Feb 2025 - 21:22:56)

Selfish, for information the chicken farm is not derelict. It is a fully functioning business! I’m guessing you have no idea how appropriate or inappropriate this site is, as you’re clearly not been in that direction for a while!

Re: Chicken farm
- Eric Benson (5th Feb 2025 - 11:57:43)

22789/007 Chiltley Lane chicken farm.

Some observations on the above planning application;-

1 This is a revision to a planning application submitted in 2023 for a larger number of dwellings, but in essence based upon the original application from 2014 which was rejected on appeal. Nothing of substance has changed in any material respect since 2014. There is a difference between this current 2025 revision of the otherwise undecided 2023 application in that on the one hand the number of dwellings has been reduced to not more than 67 and on the other a three-storey block of flats on the north side of the site is proposed. This in the area where buildings are either bungalows or two storeys only. It will be sufficiently high to be seen by the properties to the north of the railway line.

2 The site is certainly not derelict. The modern buildings at the southern end of the site are dedicated to a very active poultry unit producing chicks to be distributed throughout the area. At the northern end of the site there is what used to be the free-range chicken shed, now somewhat dilapidated, with a roof but without any walls. When in use, the chickens from this building used to roam across the site generally. The rest of the site is devoted to the production of grass, which is readily cut for silage/hay during the appropriate seasons.

3 The current application does not properly deal with the objections from Thames Water filed on 17 March 2023 in response to the original 2023 application. This makes it clear that “Following initial investigations, Thames Water has identified an inability of the existing foul water network infrastructure to cope with the needs of this development proposal”. At the end of last year the principal outlet for sewage from the Berg estate as a whole and properties beyond, to include Highfield School and which passes under the footpath between numbers 59 and 61 Chiltley Way became blocked. This meant that raw sewage flowed down what is the main pedestrian access into Liphook. Nowhere in the application papers to date is there any suggestion as to how that particular sewage capacity problem might be solved, save for the installation of a pumping station within the site to push sewage up and over the hill to the west in Willow Gardens and thence through the existing already overloaded system. It is to be noted that the whole of Liphook sewage system is under strain, see for instance articles in the Haslemere Herald in the past couple of weeks.

4 If you look at the policies currently affecting this area as a whole, to include those to be found within the recently approved Bramshott and Liphook Parish Council neighbourhood plan and the East Hampshire District draft local plan, you will find many instances of the proposal being in direct contravention of the current policy and proposed framework for this part of Liphook.

As I said at the start, this application is to all intents and purposes the same as the 2014 version rejected on appeal. Nothing has changed in planning terms since giving a cogent reason for any development of such a size and location and one which is so out of keeping with the adjoining properties, in particular density of dwellings per hectare, as is proposed.

It should be rejected

Eric Benson

Re: Chicken farm
- Charlie (5th Feb 2025 - 12:01:27)

Well said Polly.

Re: Chicken farm
- Was Undecided Now Decided (5th Feb 2025 - 13:12:33)

Has anyone asked what the chicken's want? ChickenLivesMatter

Sounds like further erosion of the countryside for development.

Re: Chicken farm
- AR (5th Feb 2025 - 13:19:47)

@ Selfish
Yes you are. Have you noted that the Portsmouth Road have no buildings opposite the houses down there.I hardly call that taking your share.
I lived on this road in the 70's when both garages were there and this land has stayed the same since then with no public access.
Most developments have been put in the wrong place because of the people who have blocked any form of development here. This has caused havoc to the square. You seem to be one of them.
I take it you never go down Chiltley Lane as the chicken farm is a viable business and has been for years.
At some point common sense should prevail before we turn this place into a nightmare place to live.

Re: Chicken farm
- Was Undecided Now Decided (5th Feb 2025 - 15:11:01)

"At some point common sense should prevail before WE turn this place into a nightmare place to live."

@AR - it's not 'we', it's developers and councils who are the ones driving development. (I suspect you know that, but it's an important distinction to make).

Re: Chicken farm
- Trevor Maroney (5th Feb 2025 - 17:04:50)

Common sense would have meant producing a NDP that included an actual PLAN of where housing should be built; needless to say that it did not! And, to several residents astonishment, the community voted for the NDP in a referendum, or have you all forgotten that we were asked?.

The Parish Council decided to leave the decision on where housing should be built to EHDC, SDNP and developers. It is therefore open season for the developers to put forward housing proposals again and again: hence the return of the Chicken Farm.

By abdicating responsibility for making decisions on housing, we only have ourselves to blame. Or are you all going through "buyers' remorse?" We must expect many other development sites to come forward so strap yourselves in, we are in for a bumpy ride!

Re: Chicken farm
- Oldie (5th Feb 2025 - 20:42:56)

Just about right Trevor if the Parrish council had backed the original plan and the sos brigade had thought more about it we wouldn’t be in this mess . That land could have provided liphook with much needed infrastructure and is the best place for development in the village by a mile or more. We have been let down by the neighbourhood plan people from the very beginning they would not listen to the majority of the community they listen to the Parrish council and a few that didn’t want bohunt manor development that’s before the boundaries were set . Know it’s back on the SDNP have backed down a little realising they have made a huge mistake hopefully common sense will prevail. The plan that they have put forward is not what we want so it’s a none starter but it shows they are having second thoughts. The chicken farm is totally in the wrong place and should never be in the mix.

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