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Headley Rd pavements
- What?! (1st Mar 2025 - 13:04:39)

Walked through the village this morning for obvious reasons.

Who remembers how Bank Holidays used to be before the bypass!!!

Walked along Headley Rd and was pretty disgusted by the 'newly resurfaced' pavements. The covering is thin as, looks unfinished, is rough and has already failed in multiple places leaving holes through to the original surface for water to pool and erode more of the surface away or for people to trip in.

Would have been better left as they were - at least that was real tarmac.

Can no-one do a job properly these days.

Re: Headley Rd pavements
- Sarah (1st Mar 2025 - 23:49:43)

The job was done beautifully. Alas, I witnessed the events of the day unfold with unstoppable despair. The signage was what failed. Flimsy little ‘pavement closed’ signs flapped in the wind on little traffic cones at the start of the fresh tarmac. 3.40 pm and a wave of school kids turned the walkways into a pitted mess. I expect there were several parents equally upset at the tarmac coming in on school shoes that day.
The opposite pavement was tackled the next day. This was all taped off and much more clearly ‘closed’!

Re: Headley Rd pavements
- k (4th Mar 2025 - 11:10:03)

Yes I was also concerned by the amount of People just walking on the new paths, despite the signs - YOUNG & OLD - Hoped it wouldn't have a drastic effect but alas. I think maybe they thought the signs didn't apply to them.

Re: Headley Rd pavements
- Mark (4th Mar 2025 - 17:53:13)

I have to disagree with some of the comments - even taking into account poor signage it was a terrible job - one side better than the other but very very thin coating and signs and closures removed when it was still wet. Within a day even the areas without footprints were disintegrating. It should have been much thicker and done in the summer and not started when hundreds of children would be leaving the schools - as was originally planned. A huge waste of our money.

Re: Headley Rd pavements
- Jon (6th Mar 2025 - 10:20:18)

I agree with you Mark. It’s plain to see that it is a poor job, done on the “cheap”. But I doubt it was cheap in terms of cost, no wonder councils are hard up.

Re: Headley Rd pavements
- Paul Robinson (6th Mar 2025 - 16:55:02)

Why was it deemed necessary to resurface the pavements (at the wrong time of the year, using the wrong sort of surfacing) when the roads are clearly in greater need of attention.

Who gets the road tax which we motorists have to pay each year? "Drivers must buy car tax every year. The money this raises is paid directly into the central government fund, which is used for projects that benefit everyone – including road work and maintenance".

I believe that 'road work and maintenance' comes at the very bottom of the list!

Paul Robinson

Re: Headley Rd pavements
- Local Resident (9th Mar 2025 - 17:55:14)

I agree the new pavement on most of the Headley Road is done to a pretty low standard.

A question for the Liphook Talkback 'hive mind'. The contractors did the pavement in front of my house when I was away. When I came back, I discovered they have actually put tarmac on an area of ground adjacent to the pavement which is my property.

I'm happy for this ground to have a better finish than it had before - but I'm worried that this situation will come back and bite me in the future. Should I choose to sell the house, for example. I wondered if I should at least write to the highways people about this. Any advice?

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