New streetlighting for Liphook
Hampshire County Council's street lighting replacement programme will be arriving in Bramshott and Liphook in autumn 2013, improving the town's streetlights with the latest energy efficient equipment.
Much of the county's lighting stock is over 30 years old and needs replacing. As part of the improvement programme, 150,000 street lights, illuminated signs and bollards across Hampshire are being replaced or upgraded with the latest technology in energy saving lamps and dimming controls. Hampshire's new street lighting will also comply with Government targets for carbon reduction.
The new lighting in Bramshott and Liphook will see the replacement of approximately 244 lanterns and a further 432 lanterns and posts.
The introduction of flexible lighting levels and white 'natural' lighting will result in:
Better lighting clarity
Less light pollution due to the new lights pointing downwards
Improved road safety
Improved personal security
A reduction in carbon
Councillor Mel Kendal, Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Transport and Environment said:
"A lot of preparation and planning has gone into the Bramshott and Liphook Street Lighting programme and we will try to keep disruption to a minimum. This means coordinating works with other schemes and ensuring that work on key roads is planned to take place outside of rush hour periods.
"This long term investment will help to improve the county's energy efficiency, reduce energy costs and cut carbon emissions. As well as replacing older lighting columns which are coming to the end of their life, the new lamps will improve lighting levels on the ground, reduce light pollution at night and help make people feel safer in town centres and residential streets.
"The project is an excellent example of using some of the latest technology to save energy costs and carbon emissions well into the future."
Article posted on: 20 March 2013
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