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Dog Poo
- Matthew Nobbs (9th May 2012 - 20:19:16)

Liphook still has a massive problem with dog poo. We now have it worse than Paris. My wife was taking little ones out today and now the stretch outside The Anchor is a canine toilet. There is nowhere in liphook which is not affected...

WHY are Liphook dog owners allowing this to happen? It is generally a great place to live.

One of 5 things can happen:-
1. Parish Council does something. Unlikely (anyone got their email address?)
2. Dog owners become responsible. Unlikely also.
3. I speak to a chum at the Daily Mail to do an expose on Liphook to shame dog owners. Possible, but not preferred.
4. LASDO is formed - Liphook Against Scumbag Dog Owners is formed.
5. We ban dogs in Liphook. Preferred option.

Next time you take fluffy for a dump in public areas- ask yourself - would you allow this on your doorstep??

Liphook - please discuss.

Re: Dog Poo
- Simon (10th May 2012 - 09:16:53)

I fully agree. My wife had the same problem outside The Anchor while walking with our young children. I appreciate that the majority of dog walkers are responsible but unfortunately there remains some people who allow their pets to ruin the environment and the lives of others.

I once witnessed a person allow their dog to walk on to my lawn and leave a 'present'. I fear that if I had not been there the person would have simply gone on their way without a second thought.

I urge anyone who witnesses dog owners allowing their pets to sh#t in public to speak up and tell them to clear it up!

Re: Dog Poo
- Liam (10th May 2012 - 11:19:48)

I must be the luckiest person that lives in Liphook; I go for a walk daily around Liphook and the surrounding area and have never come across any dog poo on the streets. Having said that; the streets are littered with wrappers and packaging. There seems to be more irresponsible parents / people in the Liphook area than irresponsible dog owners. Liphook parents can’t control their *kids yet moan about dogs.

WHY are Liphook parents allowing this to happen?

One of 5 things can happen:-
1. Parents do something. Unlikely
2. Parents become responsible. Unlikely
3. Daily Mail to do an expose on Liphook to shame Liphook parenting skills.
4. LIP is formed - Liphook against Irresponsible Parents is formed.
5. We ban Children in Liphook.

Next time you take your child out in public areas or let them loose on their own - ask yourself - would you allow them to throw rubbish around your garden / house, if yes then you are the problem.

Before anyone takes this the wrong way, I have nothing against children or dogs but some people who use this site need to relax, and take note of the other issue which are ruining the environment -plastic bags, wrappers bottles & cans which don’t disintegrate quite as easy or quickly as dog poo.

* kids – new born to 18 year olds.

Re: Dog Poo
- Jay W (10th May 2012 - 12:45:41)

Well said Liam.

I was trying to make a similar point in the thread about dogs having to be kept on a lead in the recreation ground. Litter appears to be ok but woe betide any dog owner whose dog needs to answer the call of nature whilst out and about - even those of us who always clear up and being glared at.

There will always be irresponsible dog owners and irresponsible humans who do not clean up after themselves (and in my experience littering is more down to the over 18s than the kids - alcohol bottles/cans, cigarette butts, fast food packaging).

Give responsible dog owners a break and stop tarring everyone with the same brush.

Re: Dog Poo
- Eb (10th May 2012 - 13:48:38)

Well said Liam and Jay

Re: Dog Poo
- jean (10th May 2012 - 14:46:56)

Very, very well said Liam and Jay. Let us all keep a sense of balance.

Re: Dog Poo
- Matthew (10th May 2012 - 20:56:49)

Purpose of discussion completed.

Lots of canine lovers replying who do not like children its seems. I have touched a raw nerve!

Liphook is a great, great place, but with people in denial about the cleanliness of public areas unfortunately.

I don't think contacting the Daily Mail will cut it...... ho hum. Daily Telegraph it is then!!!

1. Dog mess- wholly unacceptable- it shouldn't ever happen.
2. Unruly children- avoidable. I have found generally the children and young people are A1 and very well behaved compared to Cambridgeshire and Norfolk for example.
You should be proud of what the local schools are producing.

Odd that people are making the comparison between point 1 and 2!!!!!
3. Litter- mostly an adult created issue. Also unacceptable.

Re: Dog Poo
- rita whitlock (10th May 2012 - 22:30:05)

Well said liam!!!!!!!

Although i have seen alot of dog mess in the village recently. (i started to walk on the other side of the road to avoid treading in to my place of work and at home) and i am a dog owner and a proud owner of a british bulldog who no longer walks the streets of liphook as he can no longer manage it.

I have always cleaned up after my dog, woods, park whereever he done his business. Would love to be able to control the children who nearly ran me over on scooters and bikes in a mad frenzy a few weeks ago in the middle of liphook, and the people who throw litter on the ground and don't know what a litter bin is!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So how about banning these kids and people from our streets.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Dog Poo
- RITA WHITLOCK (10th May 2012 - 22:49:04)

I am not a child hater, just fed up with everyone tarring dog owners with the same brush.

i have lived in liphook for 38 years and most people i know do clean up after there dogs, but liphook is growing at an alarming rate, more poeple=more issues.

perhaps i imagined being almost run over by kids on bikes and scooters as the majority being A1.

did my dog who has now passed away derserve being hit with a plastic stick /wand when i was walking her in radford park by a little angel, and a mother who said ,oh she did not mean to do it. if my dog had bitten her it would have made the headlines and would i have been able to say oh sorry my dog did not mean it!!!!!

Re: Dog Poo
- Liam (11th May 2012 - 09:11:07)

“Lots of canine lovers replying who do not like children its seems”

Matthew, if that’s your conclusion to this tread, it simple shows your inability to read a full response and properly access the situation. This could be the reason you also feel that all dog owners act irresponsibility.

Not one person has stated they hate children, this is the conclusion you made & I do believe I actually stated the following: “I have nothing against children or dogs”

We have simple highlighter a bigger issue which is littering and this is something that you cannot hide from. I also used children to highlight and acknowledge that a lot of the littering is carried out by adults, but I firmly believe that if parents aren’t willing to be responsible and teach there children respect for themselves and the surround areas including the environment by not littering, then they will grow up thinking it is ok to litter the area as long as its not on their own doorstep. This in turn will continue the vicious cycle as they will teach the next generation in the same manner.

If the Daily telegraph is having a slow news week, I’m sure they would be delighted to run an expose on the dog poo issue in Liphook, so please feel free to contact your chums.

Rita – sorry to hear about your dog and your experience with the scooter brigade, I have heard this story numerous times, not just in Liphook, but in numerous other countries, and unfortunately it looks like it is something we will have to accept. I’m sure you’re of the same understanding as I am that the child didn’t mean any harm but the child should have been supervised and under control.

There will always be irresponsible dog owners and irresponsible humans.

Re: Dog Poo
- jean (11th May 2012 - 13:25:04)


I have just walked round Radford Park and did not see ANY DOG POOH. However what I did see amongst other rubbish discarded on one of the walks was a used condom!! How's that for anti-social behaviour. I have had dogs all my life and three children so I am trying not to take sides, but you do seem to have lost your sense of proportion. There is a lot wrong in the world and two wrongs don't necessarily make a right, but a little more tolerance would go a long way to make our planet a happier place.

Re: Dog Poo
- tony m (11th May 2012 - 21:53:23)

There is a big difference between dog excrement left by animals whose adult owners were not in proper control and crisp packets left by kids. Don't even try to compare.
Just take a few dog poo sacks out with you. Simple.

Re: Dog Poo
- Andy (12th May 2012 - 11:59:56)

Tony m - I think you're UNBELIEVABLY wrong. Leaving dog poo around is disgusting and dangerous, yes. However, it will biodegrade quite rapidly. On the other hand, the crisp packets will be around for ages. Basically THERE'S NO EXCUSE FOR EITHER!! If you think it's acceptable for your kids to discard litter in this fashion then I'm afraid you're every bit as much of the problem as the dog owners who don't pick up the poo. So, dog owners should pick up the poo and everyone should dispose correctly of their own litter. END OF STORY.

Re: Dog Poo
- S (12th May 2012 - 18:38:30)

I have an idea: why don't the whole lot of you stop moaning and whinging about it on the internet, which is not going to achieve ANYTHING it's just ridiculous and childish to keep going on about this issue like this. Everyone already understands the problem.

If you're that concerned then can I suggest you do something about it, for example starting a window poster campaign to get people thinking / put some pressure on the people who let their dogs poo all over the place, for example:

There is no such thing as the dog poo fairy

or, slightly less polite:

Oi! sort your s**t out!

at least then the people concerned will actually know how you feel about this, rather than you just hoping maybe they will stumble across this 'discussion' and have a brainwave.

Also for those concerned about litter maybe you should organise some regular litter picks rather than waiting for Liphook in Bloom to do so for you. Maybe it would be an idea to get schools or local groups involved to raise understanding of why dropping litter is bad.

But neither of these issues is ever going to be solved by moaning on the internet, it's just annoying and not the point of this website... I guess what i'm trying to say is... Get a life people! Either put up and shut up... or do something about it and come back here with some ideas!!!

Re: Dog Poo
- Marion (13th May 2012 - 08:33:44)

Could this work for Liphook ?

Re: Dog Poo
- tony m (13th May 2012 - 12:31:35)

Andy, I wasn't wrong because I didn't say it was OK for kids to drop crisp packets, just not as bad as poo. Otherwise agree with you kids (and dog owners) need to be taught to be responsible. Anyway, let's not say another word on it from -wait for it- now!

Re: Dog Poo
- rita whitlock (14th May 2012 - 10:08:06)

this thread is boring now but i replied to it because i was fed up with some people tarring dog owners with the same brush.
every body knows unless they are totally stupid that dog poo can make children blind and it is also common sense to pick up after your dog. nappy sacks are a cheap alternative to the more expensive poop scoop bags so no excuses.
its also common sense and not a difficlt task to put litter in a bin or take it home.
and even if it rains dog poo will not always wash away.
and for the record am not a child hater. i just like good maners.

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